17 occurrences in 12 translations

'Arrived' in the Bible

As soon as all of Israel's elders had arrived, the descendants of Levi lifted the ark

When the queen of Sheba heard about Solomon, she came to challenge him with difficult questions. She arrived in Jerusalem with a great display of pomp, bringing with her camels carrying spices, a very large quantity of gold, and precious gems. She visited Solomon and discussed with him everything that was on her mind.

Verse ConceptsHerbs And SpicesJewelsMission, Of IsraelQueensVisitingRelationship Troubles

after being summoned. When Jeroboam and all of Israel arrived, they spoke to Rehoboam,

When Rehoboam arrived in Jerusalem, he mobilized the house of Judah and Benjamin—180,000 choice warriors—to fight against Israel to restore the reign to Rehoboam.

Verse ConceptsOne Hundred Thousand And More

Zerah the Cushite marched against them with an army of 1,000,000 men and 300 chariots. He arrived at Mareshah,

Verse ConceptsChariotsA Million And MoreThree Hundred And Above

Messengers arrived and reported to Jehoshaphat, "A huge army is attacking you from the other side of the Dead Sea, from the direction of Edom. Look, they are in Hazezon Tamar (that is, En Gedi)."

Verse ConceptsMany Combatants

Now therefore look! The Ammonites, the Moabites, and the inhabitants of Mount Seir, whom you would not permit Israel to attack when they arrived from the land of Egypt since they turned away from them and did not eliminate them

When the army of Judah arrived at the remotest watchtower in the wilderness, they looked around at the invasion force, and to their surprise, there were dead bodies lying all around on the ground not one had escaped!

Verse ConceptsObliteration

Later on, when Jehoshaphat and his army arrived to collect the spoils of war, they discovered there were far more goods, garments, and other valuable items to collect than they could carry off in a single day. There was so much material that it took three days to finish their collection efforts.

Verse ConceptsSpoils Of Wargatheringjewelry

After this, a letter arrived from Elijah the prophet. It said:

Verse ConceptsLetters

God used Ahaziah's visit to Joram to destroy Ahaziah. As soon as he arrived, Ahaziah went out with Joram to attack Nimshi's son Jehu, whom the LORD had appointed to eliminate Ahab's dynasty.

So they arrested her when she arrived at the entrance to the Horse Gate near the royal palace, and then they executed her there.

Verse ConceptsDeath Of The Wicked, Examples OfNamed Gates

The man of God answered, "The LORD has a lot more than that to give you!" So Amaziah sent the troops home who had arrived from Ephraim. They flew into a rage against Judah but left for home very angry.

Verse ConceptsTwelve BeingsGroups Sent Away

But a prophet of the LORD was there named Oded. He went out to greet the army as it arrived in Samaria. He warned them, "Look! Because the LORD God of your ancestors was angry at Judah, he delivered them into your control, but you have killed them with a vehemence that has reached all the way to heaven!

When Hezekiah and the officials arrived and saw the piles of gifts, they blessed the LORD and his people Israel,

Verse Conceptsimprovement

As soon as Hezekiah learned that Sennacherib had arrived and had determined to attack Jerusalem,

So when the envoys arrived from the Babylonian officials to visit him and inquire about the sign that occurred in the land, God left him alone to test him, in order to know his true motives.

Verse ConceptsenvoyProving, Through TestingRulersTesting

Bible Theasaurus

Arrive (57 instances)
Arrived (388 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 1

Usage: 1

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