'Kissed' in the Bible
When Laban heard the news about his sister's son Jacob, he ran out to meet him. He embraced him, kissed him, and brought him back to his house. Then Jacob told Laban about everything that had happened.
Early the next morning, Laban woke up, kissed his grandchildren and daughters, blessed them, and then left for home.
Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him. Then he fell on his neck and kissed him. And they wept.
He kissed all of his brothers and wept with them, too, and then his brothers were able to talk with him.
Now Israel's eyesight had become poor from age. Because he couldn't see well, Joseph brought them close to him, and Israel kissed them both and embraced them.
Then Joseph embraced his father, cried over him, and kissed him.
When Moses went out to meet his father-in-law, he bowed low and kissed him, and they greeted one another. Then they went into the tent.
May the LORD grant each of you security in your new husbands' households." Then she kissed them good-bye, and they cried loudly.
They began to cry loudly again. So Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-bye, but Ruth remained with her.
Samuel took a flask of oil, poured it on Saul's head, kissed him, and said, "The LORD has anointed you Commander-in-Chief over his inheritance, has he not?
The servant went. Then David came out from the south side of the rock, fell on his face, and bowed down three times. The men kissed each other, and both of them cried, but David even more.
So when Joab approached the king and told him what Absalom had said, he summoned Absalom, who then came to the king and fell to the ground on his face in front of him. Then the king kissed Absalom.
Nevertheless, I've reserved 7,000 in Israel who have neither bowed their knees to Baal nor kissed him."