2 occurrences in 13 translations
'Lower' in the Bible
And after thee doth rise up another kingdom lower than those, and another third kingdom of brass, that doth rule overall the earth.
And the king hath said, and they have brought those men who had accused Daniel, and to the den of lions they have cast them, they, their sons, and their wives; and they have not come to the lower part of the den till that the lions have power over them, and all their bones they have broken small.
Related Words
- Almond-flower (4 instances in 1 translation)
- Blower (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Blowers (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Flower (40 instances in 12 translations)
- Flower-shaped (2 instances in 2 translations)
- Flowerbeds (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Flowered (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Flowering (7 instances in 2 translations)
- Flowers (47 instances in 13 translations)
- Follower (14 instances in 4 translations)
- Followers (100 instances in 11 translations)
- Henna-flowers (1 instance in 2 translations)
- Lowered (19 instances in 10 translations)
- Lowering (5 instances in 10 translations)
- Plower (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Plowers (2 instances in 7 translations)
- Sweet-smelling-flower (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Wildflower (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Wildflowers (2 instances in 1 translation)
Bible Theasaurus
Scurvy (3 instances)
Small (371 instances)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form
Usage: 22