250 occurrences in 13 translations

'Low' in the Bible

And he sent out the dove from him, to see if the waters had become low on the ground.

Verse ConceptsBirds, Types Of BirdsPeople Sending CreaturesSeeing SituationsWaters Subsiding

And the dove came to him at eventide; and behold, in her beak was an olive-leaf plucked off; and Noah knew that the waters had become low on the earth.

Verse ConceptsOlivesBreaking SticksKnowing FactsWaters SubsidingOlive TreesFloodsRainbow

he glanced up and saw three men standing there, not far from him. As soon as he noticed them, Abraham ran from the tent entrance to greet them and bowed low to the ground.

Verse ConceptsAngel of the LordBowingSalutationsThree MenIndividuals RunningTrinity

The two angels entered Sodom at sunset while Lot was sitting in the gate area of the city. When Lot saw them, he got up, greeted them, bowed low with his face to the ground,

Verse ConceptsCourteousnessBowingUnidentified AngelsNewsAngels, Ministry To UnbelieversSalutationsSitting In The GatewayBowing Heads Before GodTwo AngelsAngels Going At God's BiddingSpoken Greetings

And I bowed low and worshiped the Lord, and blessed the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who had guided me in the right way to take the daughter of my master’s kinsman for his son.

Verse ConceptsBowing Heads Before GodGod Has GuidedBlessed Be God!

Then he went out to meet Esau, passing in front of all of them, and bowed low to the ground seven times as he approached his brother.

Verse ConceptsBowingSevenSalutationsSeven TimesIn Front

"The children, whom God has graciously given your servant," he answered. Then the women servants approached, accompanied by their children, and bowed low.

Leah also approached, and she and her children bowed low. After this, Joseph and Rachel approached and bowed low.

Joseph took them off his knees and then bowed low with his face to the ground.

Verse ConceptsKnees

So the people believed; and when they heard that the Lord was concerned about the sons of Israel and that He had seen their affliction, then they bowed low and worshiped.

Verse ConceptsBowingAttitudes, in prayerWorship, Reasons ForBowing Heads Before GodBelieving In GodGod Paid Attention To ThemOthers Believing In GodWorshipping God

you shall say, ‘It is a Passover sacrifice to the Lord who passed over the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt when He smote the Egyptians, but spared our homes.’” And the people bowed low and worshiped.

Verse ConceptsBowingProperty, HousesPassing OverReverence, And ObedienceBowing Heads Before GodGod KillingRegulations For PassoverWorshipping GodGod Killed The Peoples

When Moses went out to meet his father-in-law, he bowed low and kissed him, and they greeted one another. Then they went into the tent.

Verse ConceptsPeople KissingBowingGreetingsKissingKissesSpoken Greetings

And these are unclean to you among things which go low down on the earth; the weasel and the mouse and the great lizard, and animals of that sort;

Verse ConceptsAnimals, Types OfMiceAccording To Its KindLizardsMolesMany CreaturesKinds Of Living Things

The priest will set its value, whether high or low; the price will be set as the priest makes the assessment for you.

Verse ConceptsValue

“When a man consecrates his house as holy to the Lord, the priest will assess its value, whether high or low. The price will stand just as the priest assesses it.

Verse ConceptsLiving In Houses

Now there went forth a wind from the Lord and it brought quails from the sea, and let them fall [so they flew low] beside the camp, about a day’s journey on this side and on the other side, all around the camp, about two cubits (three feet) deep on the surface of the ground.

Verse ConceptsWeather, God's Sovereignty OverWeights And Measures, DistancesWindBirds, Types Of BirdsGod Dispensing WindDimensions Of Other Things

He crouches, laying low like a lion. Who would awaken him? Those who bless you are blessed, and those who curse you are cursed."

Verse ConceptsCrouchingLying Down To RestLike CreaturesBlessing And CurseBlessing Through God's PeopleCursing Israel

turn ye and journey for you, and enter the mount of the Amorite, and unto all its neighbouring places, in the plain, in the hill-country, and in the low country, and in the south, and in the haven of the sea, the land of the Canaanite, and of Lebanon, unto the great river, the river Phrat;

Verse ConceptsRivers And StreamsSeashoresRiver EuphratesAs Far As The EuphratesThe ShephelahMoving To A New Place

And he made low your pride and let you be without food and gave you manna for your food, a thing new to you, which your fathers never saw; so that he might make it clear to you that bread is not man's only need, but his life is in every word which comes out of the mouth of the Lord.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual HungerMannaMouthsSpeech, DivineWordsBeneficial Afflictions For HumilityBibleSpiritual Life, Maintained ByBible, Given ForAfflictions, Benefits OfAfflicted Saints, Examples OfUnknown ThingsReceiving God's WordBreadFeeding The Poorhunger

He may have him beaten forty times, but no more. He is not to be beaten with more stripes than these and he is not to be degraded [that is, treated like an animal] in your sight.

Verse ConceptsBeatingsWhipsForties

The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.

Verse ConceptsForeignersImmigrantsAliens

and unto the kings who are on the north in the hill-country, and in the plain south of Chinneroth, and in the low country, and in the elevations of Dor, on the west,

Verse ConceptsWestern BordersGentile RulersThe Shephelah

And Joshua taketh all this land: the hill-country, and all the south, and all the land of Goshen, and the low country, and the plain, even the hill-country of Israel and its low lands,

Verse ConceptsThe Shephelah

in the hill-country, and in the low country, and in the plain, and in the springs, and in the wilderness, and in the south; the Hittite, the Amorite, and the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite:

Verse ConceptsHillsThe Shephelah

In the low country: Eshtaol, and Zoreah, and Ashnah,

and afterwards have the sons of Judah gone down to fight against the Canaanite, inhabiting the hill-country, and the south, and the low country;

Verse ConceptsThe Shephelah

And Israel was brought very low because of Mid'ian; and the people of Israel cried for help to the LORD.

Verse ConceptsBeggarsPoverty, Causes Of

Then Zebul said to him, Now where is your loud talk when you said, Who is Abimelech that we are to be his servants? Is this not the people whom you were rating so low? Go out now, and make war on them.

Verse ConceptsBraggingBoasting ExcludedOther Unimportant People

And it came to pass, when he saw her, that he rent his clothes, and said, Alas, my daughter! thou hast brought me very low, and thou art one of them that trouble me: for I have opened my mouth unto the LORD, and I cannot go back.

Verse ConceptsTearing Of ClothesThose Who Tore Clothes

I went out full, and Jehovah has brought me home again empty. Why do ye call me Naomi, seeing Jehovah has brought me low, and the Almighty has afflicted me?

Verse ConceptsemptinessLossPessimismEmpty PeopleFilling PeopleTragedy

At this she fell prostrate, bowing low to the ground, and asked him, "Why is it that you're showing me kindness by noticing me, since I'm a foreigner?"

Verse ConceptsBowingGrace, In Human RelationshipsProstrationGratitudeLoving Foreigners

Saul told her, "What does he look like?" She said, "An old man is coming up, and he's wrapped in a robe." Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed low to the ground and prostrated himself.

Verse ConceptsCovering The BodyProstrationRecognising People

The glory, O Israel, is dead on your high places! How have the great ones been made low!

Verse ConceptsPeople StumblingDrawbacks To Man's Power

How have the great ones been made low in the fight! Jonathan is dead on your high places.

Verse ConceptsPeople StumblingDrawbacks To Man's PowerKilling Named Individuals

How have the great ones been made low, and the arms of war broken!

Verse ConceptsWeaponsPeople StumblingDrawbacks To Man's PowerWarheroes

and I have been more vile than this, and have been low in mine eyes, and with the handmaids whom thou hast spoken of, with them I am honoured.'

Verse ConceptsHumbling Oneself

When Mephibosheth son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, came to David, he bowed low with his face toward the ground. David said, "Mephibosheth?" He replied, "Yes, at your service."

Verse ConceptsTributesBowing Before DavidBehold Me!saul

Mephibosheth bowed low again and asked, "Who am I, your servant, that you would pay attention to a dead dog like me?"

Verse ConceptsdogsBowing Before DavidI Am Unimportant

"Everything's fine!" Ahimaaz announced to the king. He bowed low with his face to the ground before the king and said, "Praise be to the LORD your God! He has handed over the men who rebelled against your majesty the king."

Verse ConceptsBowingSalutationsGod Handing OverBowing Before David

For I have been armed by you with strength for the fight: you have made low under me those who came out against me.

Verse Conceptsequipping, physicalSpiritual Warfare, As ConflictGod Strengthening PeopleClothed With Good ThingsStrength In Battle

When he had been ushered into the presence of the king, Nathan bowed low in front of the king with his face to the ground and asked, "Your majesty, did you say "Adonijah will be king after me and will sit on my throne'?

"King David," Bathsheba said as she bowed low in front of the king with her face to the ground, "your majesty, may you live forever."

Verse ConceptsBowing Before David

And the king's servants came to our lord King David, blessing him and saying, May God make the name of Solomon better than your name, and the seat of his authority greater than your seat; and the king was bent low in worship on his bed.

Verse ConceptsBowingBowing Before GodThe Kingdom Of Solomon

So Bath-sheba went to King Solomon to have talk with him on Adonijah's account. And the king got up to come to her, and went down low to the earth before her; then he took his place on the king's seat and had a seat made ready for the king's mother and she took her place at his right hand.

Verse ConceptsQueensRespect, For Human BeingsThroneRight Sides

And the king maketh the silver in Jerusalem as stones, and the cedars he hath made as the sycamores that are in the low country, for abundance.

Verse ConceptsCedarSilverSycamoresTreesCedar WoodThe Shephelah

So Ahab got up to get something to eat and drink while Elijah went back up to the top of Mount Carmel, where he bowed low to the ground and placed his face between his knees.

Verse ConceptsClimbingKneesBowing Heads Before God

Do you see how Ahab has made himself low before me? because he has made himself low before me, I will not send the evil in his life-time, but in his son's time I will send the evil on his family.

Verse ConceptsHumilityPunishment, DelayedDivine DelaysGod Will Bring HarmHumbling OneselfHumble Yourselfhumbleness

As soon as the Guild of Prophets who lived adjacent to Jericho saw Elisha, they began to announce, "The spirit of Elijah is at rest on Elisha!" So they came out to meet him and they greeted him by bowing low to the ground in front of him.

Verse ConceptsSchool Of ProphetsSons Of The Prophets

Then she approached him, fell at his feet, bowing low to the ground, took back her son, and went out.

They also feared the Lord and appointed from among themselves priests of the high places, who sacrificed for them in the houses of the high places.

Verse ConceptsIndividuals Fearing God

Because your heart was soft, and you made yourself low before me, when you had word of what I said against this place and its people, that they would become a waste and a curse, and you gave signs of grief, weeping before me: truly, I have given ear to you, says the Lord.

Verse ConceptsHumilityRepentance, Examples OfRenewed HeartPenitentConviction Of SinAfflicted Saints, Examples OfHumbling OneselfHumble YourselfChanging Yourself

And over the olive trees and the sycomore trees that were in the low plains was Baalhanan the Gederite: and over the cellars of oil was Joash:

Verse ConceptsOlivesSycamoresOrchardsCellars

Then David said to all the assembly, “Now bless the Lord your God.” And all the assembly blessed the Lord, the God of their fathers, and bowed low and did homage to the Lord and to the king.

Verse ConceptsBowingProstrationBowing Heads Before God

And the king maketh the silver and the gold in Jerusalem as stones, and the cedars he made as sycamores that are in the low country, for abundance.

Verse ConceptsAbundance, MaterialCedarGoldSilverSycamores

And the king made silver in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar trees made he as the sycomore trees that are in the low plains in abundance.

Verse ConceptsCedarSilverSycamores

Then the chiefs of Israel and the king made themselves low and said, The Lord is upright.

And the Lord, seeing that they had made themselves low, said to Shemaiah, They have made themselves low: I will not send destruction on them, but in a short time I will give them salvation, and will not let loose my wrath on Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak.

And when he made himself low, the wrath of the Lord was turned back from him, and complete destruction did not come on him, for there was still some good in Judah.

Thus the sons of Israel were subdued (humbled) at that time, and the sons of Judah prevailed because they relied on the Lord, the God of their fathers.

Verse ConceptsdefeatReliability

Also he built towers in the desert, and digged many wells: for he had much cattle, both in the low country, and in the plains: husbandmen also, and vine dressers in the mountains, and in Carmel: for he loved husbandry.

Verse ConceptsFortificationsCisternsVineyardWatchmanAgricultureFarming

The Philistines also had invaded the cities of the low country, and of the south of Judah, and had taken Bethshemesh, and Ajalon, and Gederoth, and Shocho with the villages thereof, and Timnah with the villages thereof, Gimzo also and the villages thereof: and they dwelt there.

For the LORD brought Judah low because of Ahaz king of Israel; for he made Judah naked, and transgressed sore against the LORD.

Verse ConceptsHumility

King Hezekiah and his officials ordered the descendants of Levi to sing praises to the LORD based on psalms that had been written by David and Asaph the seer. So they all joyfully sang praises, bowed low, and worshipped.

Verse ConceptsSeersWorship, Results OfPraise, Should Be Offered ByPraising God

But then, Hezekiah, in sorrow for what he had done, put away his pride; and he and all Jerusalem made themselves low, so that the wrath of the Lord did not come on them in Hezekiah's life-time.

Verse ConceptsRevival, PersonalHumility, Examples Of

He did not make himself low before the Lord, as his father Manasseh had done, but went on sinning more and more.

And your heart was soft, and you made yourself low before God, on hearing his words about this place and its people, and with weeping and signs of grief have made yourself low before me, I have given ear to you, says the Lord God.

Verse ConceptsHardness Of HeartHumilityRobesHumility, Examples Of

He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and did not make himself low before Jeremiah the prophet who gave him the word of the Lord.

Verse ConceptsWord Of God

Then I gave orders for a time of going without food, there by the river Ahava, so that we might make ourselves low before our God in prayer, requesting from him a straight way for us and for our little ones and for all our substance.

Verse ConceptsFasting, Reasons ForFasting, Practice OfAttitudes Of HumilityJourneyRepentance, Examples OfRivers And StreamsTeachablenessCanalsHumbling OneselfFastingFasting And Prayer

And at the evening offering, having made myself low before God, I got up, and with signs of grief, falling down on my knees, with my hands stretched out to the Lord my God,

Verse ConceptsTearing Of ClothesCloaksHigh Priest, In OtKneelingPrayer, Practicalities OfReverence, And ObedienceLifting HandsThose Who Tore Clothes

Then Ezra blessed the Lord the great God. And all the people answered, “Amen, Amen!” while lifting up their hands; then they bowed low and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.

Verse ConceptsGesturesAgreement, Before GodBowingPraise, Examples OfPraise, Reasons ForProstrationResponseWorship, Places OfBowing Heads Before GodLifting HandsAmenSpecific Praising Of GodPraise And Worshipadoration

So when the king’s great decree is proclaimed throughout his [extensive] kingdom, all women will give honor to their husbands, from the great to the insignificant.”

Verse ConceptsThe Honourable Will Be HonouredWives

A word was given to me secretly, and the low sound of it came to my ears.

To set up on high those that be low; that those which mourn may be exalted to safety.

Verse ConceptsSafetyProsperityGod Lifting PeopleNot Mourning

Does a wild donkey bray over fresh grassor an ox low over its fodder?

Verse ConceptsGrassWild DonkeysNeighing And BrayingWisdomlegacy

“He pours contempt on princes and noblesAnd loosens the belt of the strong [disabling them].

Verse ConceptsGod Stripping People

But man dieth, and is laid low: Yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?

Verse ConceptsCondition Of The Spirit

His sons come to honour, and he knoweth it not; and they are brought low, but he perceiveth it not of them.

Verse ConceptsThe Honourable Will Be HonouredThose Who Were Ignorant

If you come back to the Ruler of all, making yourself low before him; if you put evil far away from your tents;

Verse ConceptsReturning To GodRevival, PersonalTentsRemoving People From Your LifeGod As A Source Of Delight

For they have made low, And thou sayest, 'Lift up.' And the bowed down of eyes he saveth.

Verse ConceptsAshesGod And The HumbleHumility And Pride

They are exalted for a little while, but are gone and brought low; they are taken out of the way as all other, and cut off as the tops of the ears of corn.

Verse ConceptsAbhorWorldly AmbitionHumbling The Proud

A stream hath broken out from a sojourner, Those forgotten of the foot, They were low, from man they wandered.

Verse ConceptsFeetSwinging

Truly God has made me low, even to the earth, and I have become like dust.

Verse ConceptsCreatures Returning To DustMarshes

Scatter abroad the wrath of thine anger, And see every proud one, and make him low.

Verse ConceptsUnnamed People Angry With OthersAbasement

Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place.

Verse ConceptsAbasement Of The ProudAbasementBeing HumbleHumility And Pridehumblenesshumblecrushes

“Behold, your expectation is false;Will you be laid low even at the sight of him?

Verse ConceptsVisionWithout Hope

The upright are crushed and made low, and the feeble are overcome by his strong ones.

Verse ConceptsPeople Falling From A Height

Why has the evil-doer a low opinion of God, saying in his heart, You will not make search for it?

Verse ConceptsAccountabilityrehabilitationNot Seeking God

Arise, O Lord, confront him, bring him low;Deliver my soul from the wicked with Your sword,

Verse ConceptsConfrontationGod ArisingGod's SwordProtection From Enemies

For you are the saviour of those who are in trouble; but eyes full of pride will be made low.

Verse ConceptsHumilityPride, Results OfHumbling The ProudAbasing PeopleGod Opposes The ProudHumility And Pride

They are bent down and made low; but we have been lifted up.

Verse ConceptsHumbling The ProudDownfallPeople Getting Up

All the fat ones of the earth will give him worship; all those who go down to the dust will make themselves low before him, even he who has not enough for the life of his soul.

Verse ConceptsBanquets, Events CelebratedKneelingMortalityGod Opposes The Prouddust

Bible Theasaurus

Abject (3 instances)
Cheap (6 instances)
Crouched (7 instances)
Debased (6 instances)
Ignoble (7 instances)
Inaudible (2 instances)
Lowly (47 instances)
Miserable (24 instances)
Modest (8 instances)
Scurvy (3 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 21

Usage: 2

Usage: 20

Usage: 19

Usage: 7

Usage: 7

Usage: 4

Usage: 134

Usage: 2

Usage: 9

Usage: 22

Usage: 36

Usage: 36

Usage: 19

Usage: 3

עניו ענו 
meek , humble , poor , lowly , vr meek
Usage: 21

Usage: 75

Usage: 2

Usage: 3

Usage: 36

...low , ...down , humble , abase , debase , put lower
Usage: 31

Usage: 18

תּחתּן תּחתּון 
Usage: 13

Usage: 3

Usage: 24

Usage: 1

lower , be sad
Usage: 1

Usage: 7

American Standard Version Public Domain

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

King James Version Public Domain

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible