2 occurrences in 12 translations
'Remnant' in the Bible
And they smite him, and his sons, and all his people, until he hath not left to him a remnant, and they possess his land.
And one doth rule out of Jacob, And hath destroyed a remnant from Ar.'
Topical Concordance
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Old Testament (157)
- Genesis (1)
- Exodus (2)
- Leviticus (9)
- Numbers (2)
- Deuteronomy (4)
- Joshua (12)
- Judges (3)
- 1 Samuel (2)
- 2 Samuel (2)
- 1 Kings (3)
- 2 Kings (6)
- 1 Chronicles (3)
- 2 Chronicles (2)
- Ezra (5)
- Nehemiah (3)
- Job (4)
- Psalm (1)
- Isaiah (24)
- Jeremiah (29)
- Ezekiel (11)
- Daniel (2)
- Joel (1)
- Amos (3)
- Obadiah (3)
- Micah (6)
- Habakkuk (1)
- Zephaniah (4)
- Haggai (3)
- Zechariah (5)
- Malachi (1)
Related Words
Bible Theasaurus
Leftover (13 instances)
Remainder (132 instances)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form
leave , remain , rest , remainder , remnant , reserved , residue , plenteous , behind , excel , much , preserve
Usage: 107