13 occurrences

'Until' in the Bible

until I make thy foes a footstool under thy feet.'

Verse ConceptsFootstoolsSubject To God

until there arose a foreign king over Egypt who knew nothing of Joseph.

Verse ConceptsNot Knowing People

but Philip found himself at Ashdod. Then visiting town after town he everywhere made known the Good News until he reached Caesarea.

Verse ConceptsMission, Of The ChurchTravelevangelizing

Meanwhile Peter went on knocking, until at last they opened the door and saw that it was really he, and were filled with amazement.

Verse ConceptsImportunity, Towards PeopleMiracles, Responses ToUnceasingAlways Being ActiveThe Act Of OpeningOpening To OthersKnocking

The God of this people of Israel chose our forefathers, and made the people great during their stay in Egypt, until with wondrous power He brought them out from that land.

Verse ConceptsGuidance, Examples Of God'sArm Of GodLeaving EgyptGod Multipling PeopleStrangers in israel

Between these new comers and Paul and Barnabas there was no little disagreement and controversy, until at last it was decided that Paul and Barnabas and some other brethren should go up to consult the Apostles and Elders in Jerusalem on this matter.

Verse Conceptselders, in the churchBelieversVisitingDissensionDisputesMan AppointingThe Apostles In ActionResolving Conflict

This she persisted in for a considerable time, until Paul, wearied out, turned round and said to the spirit, "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her." And it came out immediately.

Verse ConceptsExorcismsCommands, in NTDemons, Christ's AuthoritySpiritual DiscernmentMiracles, Nature OfSatan, Resistance ToMiracles Of PaulPeople Casting Out DemonsIn The Name Of ChristNamed People Angry With OthersnaggingDemonic Influence

So Paul associated with the men; and the next day, having purified himself with them, he went into the Temple, giving every one to understand that the days of their purification were finished, and there he remained until the sacrifice for each of them was offered.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfGiving InformationPurifying Oneselfaccomplishment

Some of the crowd shouted one accusation against Paul and some another, until, as the uproar made it impossible for the truth to be ascertained with certainty, the Tribune ordered him to be brought into the barracks.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTCastlesExcitementSoundGroups Shouting

Until they heard this last statement the people listened to Paul, but now with a roar of disapproval they cried out, "Away with such a fellow from the earth! He ought not to be allowed to live."

Verse ConceptsCrowdsVoicesPersecution Of The Apostle Paulserenity

But when Paul appealed to have his case kept for the Emperor's decision, I ordered him to be kept in prison until I could send him up to Caesar."

Verse ConceptsCaesarRoman EmperorsPeople Involved In Judgement

Having, however, obtained the help which is from God, I have stood firm until now, and have solemnly exhorted rich and poor alike, saying nothing except what the Prophets and Moses predicted as soon to happen,

Verse ConceptsGospel, Confirmation OfHelpfulnessSmallnessWitness To The GospelPredicting ChristGreat And SmallWritten In The ProphetsGod HelpsEverything Happening For A ReasonSupportHaving A Good DayHelping Those In NeedWitnessinghelphelpingtestifying

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Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
ἄχρι ἄχρις 
until , unto , till , till 9 , until 9 , while 9 , even to ,
Usage: 43

`ad (Aramaic) 
till , until , unto , ever , for , to , but at , even , hitherto , mastery , on , within
Usage: 35

till , unto , until , to , till 9 ,
Usage: 74

μέχρι μεχρίς 
unto , until , till , to , till 9
Usage: 14