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Let whoever curses days curse it those who are ready to awaken monsters.

along with kings and counselors of the earth, who used to build for themselves what are now only ruins,

or princes who amassed gold for themselves, and who kept filling their houses with silver.

"Or why was I not buried like a stillborn child, like babies who never saw the light?

In that place, those who once were prisoners will be at ease together; they won't hear the voice of oppressors.

To those who are longing for death even though it does not come? To those who search for it more than for hidden treasure?

To those who are happy beyond measure when they reach their graves?

To the formerly successful man who lost his way in life, and God fenced him in?

"Will you get offended if somebody tries to talk to you? Who can keep from speaking at a time like this?

A word from you has supported those who have stumbled, and has strengthened faltering knees.

"But now it's your turn, and you're the one who is worn out! Now it's striking you, and you're dismayed!

Now please think: Who has ever perished when they're innocent? Where have the upright been destroyed?

how much less confidence does he have in those who dwell in houses of clay; who were formed from a foundation in dust and can perish like a moth?

"Cry out, won't you! Is there anyone who will answer you? To whom will you turn among the holy ones?

He sets the lowly on high, and lifts those who mourn to safety.

Therefore there is hope for those who are poor, and iniquity shuts its mouth.

"Who will grant my wish? I wish God would grant what I'm hoping for:

I'm like a servant who longs for the shade, like a hired laborer who is looking for his wages.

The eyes of the one who sees me won't see me anymore; your eyes will look for me but I won't be around!

Such are the paths of everyone who forgets God the hope of the godless will be destroyed:

Surely God won't reject those who are blameless or hold hands with those who practice evil.

Those who hate you will be clothed with shame, and the tent of the wicked will no longer exist.

Indeed, if he snatches someone away, who could restrain him? Who can say to him, "What are you doing?'

"Is this a contest of strength? He is obviously stronger! Is this a matter of justice? Who can sue him?

A land is given into the hands of a wicked person; he covers the faces of its judges. If it is not God, then who is it?"

There is not yet a mediator between us, who would set his hand on the two of us,

"Shouldn't a multitude of words be answered, or a person who talks too much be vindicated?

"If he bypasses, or imprisons, or convenes a court, who can stop him?

Like you, I also have understanding. I'm not inferior to you; who doesn't know things like this?"

"I'm a laughingstock to my friends, someone who called on God. But then he answered this upright and blameless man, and I have become a laughingstock.

The carefree are thinking, "I have contempt for misfortune,' Those who are about to stumble deserve it.

The tents of robbers are at rest, and those who provoke God are secure, that is, those who carry their god in their pocket.

Who among all of these doesn't know that the LORD's hand made them,

"With God are strength and sound wisdom; both the deceived and those who deceive are responsible to him.

Who can oppose me? If they do, I'll be silent and die.

Are you a god who would make a leaf tremble or who would prosecute a dry straw?

So I'm a man who wears out like something rotten, like a garment that has become moth-eaten."

then how much less is one who is abhorred and corrupted, such as a man who drinks injustice like water?"

which is what wise men have explained, who didn't withhold anything from their ancestors.

For the company of the godless is desolation, and fire consumes the tents of those who bribe.

Offer, then, some collateral on my behalf. Is there anyone who will be my guarantor?

"Because you're the one who closed their hearts to compassion; therefore, you won't let them triumph.

Now as for the one who testifies against his friends to take their property, even the eyes of his children will fail.

where would my hope be? "And speaking of my hope, who would notice it?

People who live west of him are appalled at his fate; those who live east of him are seized with terror.

Indeed, the residences of the wicked are like this; and so are the homes of those who don't know God."

Those who live in my house and my maidservants, too! treat me like a stranger; they think I'm a foreigner.

whom I will see for myself. My own eyes will look at him there won't be anyone else for me! He is the culmination of my innermost desire."

he'll perish forever, like his own excrement; those who saw him will ask, "Where is he?'

Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him? Where's the profit in talking to him?'

Who will expose his conduct to his face? Who will repay him for what he has done

"Can a human being be useful to God, since he, who is wise, is sufficient to himself?

who were snatched away before their time; when their foundation was swept away by a river?

He'll even deliver the guilty, who will be delivered through your innocence."

Why doesn't the Almighty reserve time for judgment? And why don't those who know him perceive his days?

"Then there are those who rebel against the light; they are not acquainted with its ways; and they don't stay on its course.

If this weren't so, who can prove that I'm a liar by showing that there's nothing to what I'm saying?"

"Dominion and fear belong to God; who fashions peace in his high heaven.

Is there any limit to his armies? On whom does his light not shine?

How much less is man, who is only a maggot, or a man's children, who are only worms!"

Who helped you say all of this? Who inspired you?"

"The ghosts of the dead writhe under the waters along with those who live there with them.

Those who do survive him disease will bury, and his widow won't even weep.

Those who were about to die blessed me, and I made widows sing for joy.

I set an example of the way to live, as a leader would; I lived like a king among his army; like one who comforts mourners."

"But now they mock me; men who are far younger than I, whose fathers I would have hated to entrust with my own sheep dogs.

They come like those who breach through a wall; as everything crashes around me they'll roll on and on!

But my harp is in mourning; my flute plays only songs for those who are weeping."

if not calamity that is due the unjust, and misfortune that is due those who practice iniquity?

The one who made me in the womb made them, too, didn't he? Didn't the same one prepare each of us in the womb?"

if I've observed someone who is about to die for lack of clothes or if I have no clothing to give to the poor,

"Have I rejoiced in the destruction of those who hate me, or have I been happy that evil caught up with him?

People in my household have said, "We cannot find anyone who has not been satisfied with his meat,' haven't they?

"Who will grant me a hearing? Here's my signature let the Almighty answer! Since my adversary indicted me,

since I don't know the first thing about how to flatter; and the one who made me would sweep me away as if I were nothing."

"What man is like Job, who drinks mockery like water,

traffics in those who practice evil, and walks with wicked people?

Who entrusted the earth to him? Who made him responsible for the entire inhabited world?

Can one who hates justice really govern? And if God is righteous and mighty, can you condemn him?

Who isn't partial to princes? Who doesn't give preference to the nobles over the poor? Nevertheless, all of them are his handiwork.

There's no such thing as darkness to him not even deep darkness that can conceal those who practice evil.

"If he remains silent, who will condemn him? If he conceals his face, who can see him? He watches over both nation and individual alike,

Oh, how Job needs to be given a full court trial, as a rebuke to those who practice evil,

who teaches us more than the earth's wild animals, and makes us wiser than the birds of the sky?'

"They cry out there, but he doesn't answer because of the arrogance of those who practice evil.

because what I have to say isn't deceptive, and the one who has perfect knowledge is with you."

"Indeed, God is exalted in his power. Who is like him as a teacher?

Who ordained his path for him, and who has asked him, "You are wrong, aren't you?'

"Who is this who keeps darkening my counsel without knowing what he's talking about?