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And I hated all my labor I laboring under the sun: leaving it to the man who shall come after me.

And who shall know whether he shall be wise or foolish? And he shall have dominion over all my labor which I labored, and was wise under the sun. Also this is vanity.

Who shall know the spirit of the sons of man? it ascending to above, and the spirit of cattle, it going downwards to the earth.

And I saw that no good more than that man shall rejoice in his works; for this is his portion: for who shall bring him to look upon what shall be after him?

There is one, and not a second; also a son and brother not to him: and no end to all his labor; also his eye shall not be satisfied with riches: and for whom do I labor and diminish my soul from good? Also this is vanity, and it is an evil labor.

For who shall know what is for man in life, the number of the days of the life of his vanity, and he will make them as a shadow? for who shall announce to man what shall be after him under the sun?

See the work of God: for who shall be able to make straight what he made it crooked?

Who as the wise one? and who will know the interpretation of the word? The wisdom of man shall enlighten his face, and the hard of face shall be hated.

Wheresoever the word of a king, it is powerful: and who shall say to him, What wilt thou do?

Whoever sinned, doing evil a hundred, and it being prolonged to him, for also I know that it will be to those fearing God, who shall be afraid from his face.

All according to all: one event to the just one and to the unjust one; to the good one and to the clean one, and to the unclean one; to him sacrificing and to him not sacrificing: as the good one, so the sinning one; he swearing, as he who shall fear an oath.

And the foolish one will multiply words: man shall not know what shall be; and what shall be after him, who shall announce to him?