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If that ordering of the grace of God has come to your knowledge, which was given to me for you,

This I say, then, and give witness in the Lord, that you are to go no longer in the way of the Gentiles whose minds are turned to that which has no profit,

For this was not the teaching of Christ which was given to you;

If in fact you gave ear to him, and were given teaching in him, even as what is true is made clear in Jesus:

For no man ever had hate for his flesh; but he gives it food and takes care of it, even as Christ does for the church;

And for me, that words may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make clear without fear the secret of the good news,

But so that you may have knowledge of my business, and how I am, Tychicus, the well-loved brother and tested servant in the Lord, will give you news of all things:

Whom I have sent to you for this very purpose, so that you may have knowledge of our position, and that he may give comfort to your hearts.