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To which of the angels did God say at any time, You are my Son, this day I have given you being? or, I will be his Father, and he will be my Son?

They will come to their end; but you are for ever; they will become old as a robe;

They will be rolled up like a cloth, even like a robe, and they will be changed: but you are the same and your years will have no end.

But of which of the angels has he said at any time, Take your seat at my right hand till I put all those who are against you under your feet?

So that I was angry with this generation, and I said, Their hearts are in error at all times, and they have no knowledge of my ways;

He is able to have feeling for those who have no knowledge and for those who are wandering from the true way, because he himself is feeble;

In the same way Christ did not take for himself the glory of being made a high priest, but was given it by him who said, You are my Son, this day I have given you being:

But, my loved ones, though we say this, we are certain that you have better things in you, things which go with salvation;

And it is true that by the law, those of the sons of Levi who have the position of priests may take a tenth part of the people's goods; that is to say, they take it from their brothers though these are the sons of Abraham.

Because if the priests are changed, it is necessary to make a change in the law.

For he of whom these things are said comes of another tribe, of which no man has ever made offerings at the altar.

For it has been witnessed of him, You are a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.

(For those were made priests without an oath, but this one was made a priest with an oath by him who says of him, The Lord gave his oath, which he will not take back, that you are a priest for ever);

The law makes high priests of men who are feeble; but the word of the oath, which was made after the law, gives that position to a Son, in whom all good is for ever complete.

Now of the things we are saying this is the chief point: We have such a high priest, who has taken his place at the right hand of God's high seat of glory in heaven,

Now every high priest is given authority to take to God the things which are given and to make offerings; so that it is necessary for this man, like them, to have something for an offering.

If he had been on earth he would not have been a priest at all, because there are other priests who make the offerings ordered by the law;

For, protesting against them, he says, See, the days are coming when I will make a new agreement with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah;

And this is an image of the present time; when the offerings which are given are not able to make the heart of the worshipper completely clean,

Because they are only rules of the flesh, of meats and drinks and washings, which have their place till the time comes when things will be put right.

For this cause it was necessary to make the copies of the things in heaven clean with these offerings; but the things themselves are made clean with better offerings than these.

After saying, You had no desire for offerings, for burned offerings or offerings for sin (which are made by the law) and you had no pleasure in them,

And every priest takes his place at the altar day by day, doing what is necessary, and making again and again the same offerings which are never able to take away sins.

And has been waiting there from that time, till all who are against him are made a foot-rest for his feet.

But we are not of those who go back to destruction; but of those who have faith even to the salvation of the soul.

For those who say such things make it clear that they are searching for a country for themselves.

And you have not kept in mind the word which says to you as to sons, My son, do not make little of the Lord's punishment, and do not give up hope when you are judged by him;

But if you have not that punishment of which we all have our part, then you are not true sons, but children of shame.

And the words, Still one more, make it clear that there will be a taking away of those things which are shaking, as of things which are made, so that there may be only those things of which no shaking is possible.

We have an altar from which those priests who are servants in the Tent may not take food.

For the bodies of the beasts whose blood is taken into the holy place by the high priest as an offering for sin are burned outside the circle of the tents.

Make prayers for us, for we are certain that our hearts are free from the sense of sin, desiring the right way of life in all things.

Give words of love from me to those who are rulers over you, and to all the saints. Those who are in Italy send you their love.