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Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

For this reason there is the more need for us to give attention to the things which have come to our ears, for fear that by chance we might be slipping away.

how shall *we* escape if we are indifferent to a salvation as great as that now offered to us? This, after having first of all been announced by the Lord Himself, had its truth made sure to us by those who heard Him,

Thou hast made him some little inferior to the angels; thou hast crowned him with glory and honour, and hast set him over the works of thy hands;

Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not made subject to him. But now we see not yet all things subjected to him.

but as the architect is of much greater dignity than the house he has made; so the glory which Christ received was greater than that of Moses.

And being angry I made an oath, saying, They may not come into my rest.

As it is said, Today if you will let his voice come to your ears, be not hard of heart, as when you made him angry.

Who made him angry when his voice came to them? was it not all those who came out of Egypt with Moses?

And to whom did he make an oath that they might not come into his rest? was it not to those who went against his orders?

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left of entering into his rest, any one of you might seem to have failed of it.

But we which have believed, do enter into his rest, as contrariwise he said to the other, "As I have sworn in my wrath, 'They shall not enter into my rest.'" And that spake he verily long after that the works were made, and the foundation of the world laid.

Since there remains then a rest which some are still to enter into, for they to whom the promise was first made, did not enter in, because of their incredulity;

For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.

And then let themselves be turned away, it is not possible for their hearts to be made new a second time; because they themselves put the Son of God on the cross again, openly shaming him.

For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:

but he who was not of their pedigree, received tithes from Abraham, and blessed him to whom the promises were made.

and, so to speak, through Abraham, Levi also, who received tithes, has been made to pay tithes.

Now if it was possible for things to be made complete through the priests of the house of Levi (for the law was given to the people in connection with them), what need was there for another priest who was of the order of Melchizedek and not of the order of Aaron?

For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.

For he of whom these things are said comes of another tribe, of which no man has ever made offerings at the altar.

And it is still far more evident, because another priest is raised up, after the likeness of Melchidek, Who was made not after the law of a carnal commandment,

And they indeed have been made priests many in number, because that by death they are hindered from continuing:

who has no day by day need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices, first of all for his own [personal] sins and then for those of the people, because He [met all the requirements and] did this once for all when He offered up Himself [as a willing sacrifice].

For the Law appoints men as high priests who are weak [frail, sinful, dying men], but the word of the oath [of God], which came after [the institution of] the Law, permanently appoints [as priest] a Son who has been made perfect forever.

a priest of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle which the Lord made, and not man.

For, every high-priest, for the offering of both gifts and sacrifices, is constituted; whence it was necessary for, this one also, to have something which he might offer.

Whereas God does find fault with the people of that covenant, when he says: The day is coming, saith the Lord, when I will conclude a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It will not be on the lines of the covenant I made with their fathers,

Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.

In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary.

Having a vessel of gold in it for burning perfumes, and the ark of the agreement, which was covered with gold and which had in it a pot made of gold for the manna, and Aaron's rod which put out buds, and the stones with the writing of the agreement;

while above it, and overshadowing the Cover on which atonement was made, are the Cherubim of the Presence. But I must not now dwell on these things in detail.

Now when these things have been prepared in this way, the priests continually enter the outer [or first section of the] tabernacle [that is, the Holy Place] performing [their ritual acts of] the divine worship,

since, with foods and drinks and various [ceremonial] washings, they are only outward regulations imposed until the time when everything would be made right [i.e., under the New Agreement].

For a testament is of force where there hath been death: for it doth never avail while he that made it liveth.

So that even the first agreement was not made without blood.

For this cause it was necessary to make the copies of the things in heaven clean with these offerings; but the things themselves are made clean with better offerings than these.

Nor did he enter, that he might offer himself often (as the high-priest entered into the holy place every year with the blood of others.)

Else had it been needful for him, ofttimes, to suffer, from the foundation of the world; but, now, once for all, upon a conjunction of the ages, for a setting aside of sin through means of his sacrifice, hath he been made manifest;

so the Christ also, having been once offered in sacrifice in order that He might bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, separated from sin, to those who are eagerly expecting Him, to make their salvation complete.

For if this had been possible, would there not have been an end of those offerings, because the worshippers would have been made completely clean and would have been no longer conscious of sins?

But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year.

Therefore, when Christ enters into the world, He says,

Sacrifice and offering You have not desired,
But [instead] You have prepared a body for Me [to offer];

Then said I, Lo, I have comein the volume of the book it is written of meto do thy will, O God."

After saying, You had no desire for offerings, for burned offerings or offerings for sin (which are made by the law) and you had no pleasure in them,

then He said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will.” [And so] He does away with the first [covenant as a means of atoning for sin based on animal sacrifices] so that He may inaugurate and establish the second [covenant by means of obedience].

But when Jesus had made one offering for sins for ever, he took his place at the right hand of God;

Now where there is [absolute] forgiveness and complete cancellation of the penalty of these things, there is no longer any offering [to be made to atone] for sin.

By the new and living way which he made open for us through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;