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I speak not to condemnation: for I have said before, ye are in our hearts to die together, and live together.

Wherefore, if I also wrote to you, not for him having been unjust, for him having suffered injustice, but that your care for us might be made manifest to you before God.

So that we besought Titus, that as he began before, so also he would complete to us this grace also.

And in this I give an opinion: for this is profitable to you, which no only to do, but to will, ye began before from last year.

Therefore I thought necessary to beseech the brethren that they go before to you, and prepare beforehand your praise, having been proclaimed beforehand, this same to be prepared, so as praise, and not as covetousness.

For not as reaching to you we stretch beyond ourselves: for also even to you we came before in the good news of Christ:

Again, think ye that we excuse ourselves to you? before God in Christ we speak: and all things, beloved, for your building up.

Lest, coming again, my God should humble me with you, and I shall mourn for many of them having sinned before, and not having repented for uncleanness, and fornication, and licentiousness which they committed.

I have said before, and say beforehand, as being present the second; and being away now I write to them having sinned before, and to all the rest, that, if I should come again, I will not spare: