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Then Herod perceiving he was abused by the Magi, was full of indignation, and sent a detachment who slew all the children that were in Bethlehem and its territory, being under the age of two years, according to the limited time he had learnt of the Magi.

Now as Jesus was walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brethren, Simon, called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting their net into the sea: for they were fishermen.

Ye are the salt of the earth; but if the salt become insipid, how shall it recover its savour? it is no longer fit for any thing, but to be cast out and trod under foot.

and when men light a lamp, they do not put it under a bushel: but on the stand, to give light to all the family.

Give not that which is holy to the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest these trample them under foot, and those turn upon you and tear you.

Enter ye in at the strait gate; the gate that leadeth to destruction is broad, and the way is open, and they who pass through are numerous.

for I am a man under authority, having soldiers under my command: I bid this man, go, and he's gone: another, come, and he's here: and to my servant, do this, and it is done.

Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; the first is Simon, who is called Peter, then Andrew his brother,

Jesus made these twelve his missionaries, and gave them these instructions, don't go any where among the Gentiles, nor enter into any city of the Samaritans.

Messiah is greater than he.) for ever since the appearance of John the Baptist the gospel kingdom is as it were invaded, and people of the most violent passions enter into it with zeal.

besides, how could any one enter into the house of a man of might to rob him of his goods, except he first master the strong man? and then indeed he might plunder his house.

then he goes and takes seven other spirits besides himself, but more mischievous than himself, and they all enter in and lodge there: so that the last state of that man is worse than the first. just so shall it likewise fare with this wicked generation.

wherefore if thy hand or thy foot occasions thee to relapse, lop them off, and cast them away: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into everlasting fire.

and if thine eye occasions thee to relapse, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two to be cast into hell-fire.

then said Jesus to his disciples, I declare unto you, it will be difficult for a rich man to enter into the gospel kingdom.

I tell you again, it is easier for a cable to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the divine kingdom.

saying, go to yonder village, and you will immediately find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them to me.

which of the two obey'd his father? they said, the first. Jesus reply'd, I declare to you, that the publicans and licentious people enter into the gospel kingdom before you.

Wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who prey upon the estates of widows, under the pretext of making long prayers; therefore ye shall be punish'd with the greater severity.

wo unto you, ye blind guides, who say, if any man swear by the temple he is under no obligation: but if he swear by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath.

again, if any one swear by the altar he is under no engagement but if he swear by the gift that is upon it, he is bound thereby.

fear made me hide the talent under ground: but there you have what is your own.

now the centurion, and they that were with him, to guard Jesus, having observ'd the earthquake, and all that had happened, were under great apprehensions, and said, certainly this was the son of God.

Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon, and Andrew his brother, casting their net into the sea:

As soon as they were come out of the synagogue, they went with James and John into the house of Simon and Andrew,

Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alpheus, Thaddeus, Simon the Canaanite,

Again he said, is a lamp ever brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? or to be set on a stand?

but after it is sown, it grows up, and becometh larger than other plants of the pulse kind, and shooteth out its branches so high, that the fowls of the air may lodge under its shadow.

and all the demons intreated him, saying, "send us to the swine, that we may enter into them."

In the mean time king Herod heard of Jesus, whose name was now celebrated, and he said, John the Baptist is risen from the dead, no wonder then that he works miracles.

because that does not enter into his heart, but into the belly, whence it is discharg'd, the purest part of the food being left for nutrition.

she answer'd, true, Lord, yet puppys eat of the crumbs, which children drop under the table.

Jesus observing the people came crowding to him, rebuked the evil spirit, saying, thou dumb and deaf spirit come out of the child, never to enter more, it is I command it.

if even thy hand should make thee transgress, saw it off, and cast it away, it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than to have both hands and go into Gehenna, the unextinguishable fire:

and if thy foot make thee transgress, saw it off, it is better for you to enter into life, tho' lame, than to have both feet, and be thrown into Gehenna, the unextinguishable fire:

and if your eye make you transgress, pull it out; it is better for you to enter into the kingdom of God, with but one eye, than to have two, and be thrown into the Gehenna of fire: where the worm does not die,

I declare unto you, he that shall pretend to be admitted into the kingdom of God, and has not the temper of a little child, shall not enter therein.

then Jesus looking round about, said to his disciples, how difficult a thing is it for those who have riches to enter into the gospel kingdom!

at this expression the disciples were much surpriz'd. but Jesus reassum'd the discourse, and said, how difficult a thing is it for those, who place their trust in riches, to enter into the divine kingdom?

it is easier for a cable to pass thro' the eye of a needle, than for such a rich man to enter into the divine kingdom.

go to yonder village that faces you, and upon your entrance into it, you will find a colt tied, that never was yet backed; loose him, and bring him to me.

who yet devour widows estates under the shew of making long prayers, such shall receive greater condemnation.

and when he was sitting upon the mount of Olives over-against the temple, Peter, James, John, and Andrew said to him in private, tell us,

he that is upon the battlements let him not descend into the house, nor enter therein to take any thing away: let

pray that your flight be not in the winter.

after that, he appear'd under another form to two of them, as they were taking a walk into the country.

In the mean time the people were waiting for Zacharias, and wonder'd at his tarrying so long in the temple.

it is the Lord, said she, who has thus favour'd me, at the time when he took care to remove the reproach I was under among men.

Mary was surpriz'd at the voice of such an appearance, and wonder'd what the meaning of this salutation should be.

under the pontificate of Annas and Caiaphas, JOHN, the son of Zacharias, received his divine commission in the wilderness.

he address'd himself to them all, saying, I indeed baptize you with water; but there is one coming, who is superiour to me, whose shoes I am unworthy to untie: he shall baptize you with the holy spirit, under the appearance of fire.

(to whom he gave the name of Peter) and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew,

for though I am subject to authority, I have soldiers under me: I bid one go, and he goes: I bid another come, and he comes: I bid my servant do this, and he does it."

a husbandman went out to sow his corn: and as he was sowing, some fell upon the beaten road, which was crush'd under foot, or devoured by the birds.

Now, no one lights a lamp to hide it under a vessel, or under a bed: but sets it on a stand, to give light to all the company.

upon Jesus's saying to him, what is your name? he answer'd, legion, (for many demons were enter'd into him.)

but there being a numerous herd of swine feeding on the mountain, they desired he would permit them to enter into the swine, which he granted.

accordingly the demons quitted the man, and enter'd into the swine: immediately the herd ran headlong down a precipice into the lake, and were drowned.

At length they enter'd into a debate, which of them should be the greatest.

but when you enter into any city, and they refuse to entertain you, go through the streets,

Another time, as they were on a journey, Jesus enter'd into a village, where a woman, named Martha, entertain'd him at her house.

then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself: they all enter in and dwell there, and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.

However, when a man has once lighted his lamp, he does not hide it in a by-place, or under a bushel; but sets it on a stand, that all who come in may have light.

when once the master of the family is enter'd in, and has fastned the door, you will stand without beating at the door, and cry, Lord, Lord, let us in: but he will answer, you are strangers to me.

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killest the prophets, and stonest those, who are sent unto thee: how often would I have gather'd thy children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and ye would not?"

I declare unto you, he that does not come with the disposition of a child shall not enter into the kingdom of God.

Jesus perceiving him so very dejected, said, how difficult is it for those, who have riches, to enter into the kingdom of God!

it is easier for a cable to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

they watch'd then, and suborn'd spies, who under pretence of their tender consciences, might ensnare him in his discourse, and so betray him to the civil power and jurisdiction of the governor.

who under the pretext of their long prayers devour the fortunes of widows. wherefore they shall be punish'd with greater severity.

but the other answered, and thus reprov'd him, art thou under no awe of God, thou that art condemned to the same punishment?

then said he to Jesus, Lord, remember me when you enter into your kingdom.

was not the Messiah to have suffer'd thus, and after that enter into his glory?

Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, was one of the two disciples, who had followed Jesus, after they had heard what John had said.

now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.

said Nathanael to him. before Philip called you, replied Jesus, I saw you under the fig-tree.

Jesus answered him, because thou believest what I said, that I saw thee under the fig-tree, thou shalt see greater things than these.