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It is you who are the Salt of the earth; but, if the salt should lose its strength, what will you use to restore its saltiness? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown away, and trampled underfoot.

And, if your right hand is a snare to you, cut it off and throw it away. It would be best for you to lose one part of your body, and not to have the whole of it go down to the Pit.

And, if any one gives but a cup of cold water to one of these lowly ones because he is a disciple, I tell you that he shall assuredly not lose his reward."

For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, and whoever, for my sake, loses his life shall find it.

For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, and whoever, for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, will lose his life shall save it.

Salt is good, but, if the salt should lose its saltiness, what will you use to season it? You must have salt in yourselves, and live at peace with one another."

For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, and whoever, for my sake, loses his life--that man shall save it.

Yes, salt is good; but, if the salt itself should lose its strength, what shall be used to season it?

While they were at a loss to account for this, all at once two men stood beside them, in dazzling clothing.

For I tell you that we are in danger of being proceeded against for to-day's riot, there being nothing to account for it; and in that case we shall be at a loss to give any reason for this disorderly gathering."

So they met here, and without loss of time I took my seat on the Bench the very next day, and ordered the man to be brought before me.

And, as I was at a loss how to enquire into questions of this kind, I asked Paul if he were willing to go up to Jerusalem, and there be put upon his trial.

And, after crossing the sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we reached Myra in Lycia.

And with difficulty, by keeping close in shore, we reached a place called 'Fair Havens,' near which was the town of Lasea.

So I urge you to take something to eat; your safety depends upon it, for not one of you will lose even a hair of his head."

If any man's work is burnt up, he will suffer loss; though he himself will escape, but only as one who has passed through fire.

To begin with, it is undoubtedly a loss to you to have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather let yourselves be wronged? Why not rather let yourselves be cheated?

What we eat, however, will not bring us nearer to God. We lose nothing by not eating this food, and we gain nothing by eating it.

And those parts which we deem less honorable we surround with special honor; and our ungraceful parts receive a special grace which our graceful parts do not require.

If Timothy comes, take care that he has no cause for feeling anxious while he is with you. He is doing the Master's work no less than I am.

I am glad now; not because of the sorrow it caused you, but because your sorrow brought you to repentance. For it was God's will that you should feel sorrow, in order that you should not suffer loss in any way at our hands.

You look at the outward appearance of things! Let any one, who is confident that he belongs to Christ, reflect, for himself, again upon the fact--that we belong to Christ no less than he does.

But all the things which I once held to be gains I have now, for the Christ's sake, come to count as loss.

A widow, when her name is added to the list, should not be less than sixty years old; she should have been a faithful wife,

Those who have Christian masters should not think less of them because they are their Brothers, but on the contrary they should serve them all the better, because those who are to benefit by their good work are dear to them as their fellow Christians. Those are the things to insist upon in your teaching.

If he has caused you any loss, or owes you anything, charge it to me.