Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Knowing that not with corruptible things, silver and gold, were ye redeemed from your vain mode of life transmitted from your fathers But with precious blood, as of a lamb blameless and spotless, of Christ:

And having looked upon Jesus walking, he says, Behold the Lamb of God

And when a man shall bring a sacrifice of peace to Jehovah, to separate a vow or a willing gift in cattle or in sheep, it shall be blameless for acceptance: not any blemish shall be in it

For not having followed ingeniously contrived fictions, we made known to you the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, but having been spectators of his majesty. For having received from God the Father honour and glory, and such a voice brought to him from the magnificent glory, This is my dearly beloved Son, in whom I was contented. And this voice brought from heaven we heard, being with him in the holy mountain.

Jesus says, Now was the Son of man honoured, and God was honoured in him. If God were honoured in him, also shall God honour him in himself, and quickly shall he honour him.

These spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour has come; honour thy Son, that thy Son honour thee: As thou gavest him the power of all flesh, that every one which thou hast given him, he should give to them eternal life. And this is eternal life, that they might know thee the only true God, and whom thou hast sent, Jesus Christ. read more.
I honoured thee upon earth: I finished the work which thou hast given me that I should do. And now, honour thou me, O Father, with thyself, with the honour which I had with thee before the world was. I manifested thy name to the men which thou hast given me from the world: they were to thee, and thou hast given them to me; and they have kept thy word. Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee. For the words which thou hast given me, I have given them and they received, and knew in truth that I came out from thee, and they believed that thou sentest me. I ask for them: I ask not for the world, but for them thou hast given me: for they are to thee. And all my things are thine, and thine mine; and I have been honoured in them. And I am no more in the world, and these are in the world, and I come to thee. O holy Father, keep them in thy name whom thou but given me, that they might be one, as we. When I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those thou hast given me I watched, and not one of them perished, except the son of perdition; that the writing might be completed. And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that I might have my joy completed in them. I have given them thy word; and the world hated them, for they are not of the world, as I am not of the world. I ask not that thou take them out of the world, but that thou keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, as I am not of the world. Render them holy in thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou sentest me into the world, I also sent them into the world. And for them I render myself holy, that they also be rendered holy in the truth; And I ask not for these alone, but also for them believing in me through their word; That all might be one; as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee, that they also be one in us; that the world might believe that thou sentest me. And I, the honour which thou hast given me, have-given them; that they might be one, as we are one. I in them, and thou in me, that they might be perfected in one: and that the world might know that thou sentest me, and lovedst them, as thou lovedst me. O Father, those thou hast given me, I will that where I am these also be with me: that they might behold my glory, which thou gavest me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.

The God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, God of our fathers, has honoured his child Jesus; whom ye have delivered up, and denied him before the face of Pilate, he having judged to loose.

Knowing that not with corruptible things, silver and gold, were ye redeemed from your vain mode of life transmitted from your fathers But with precious blood, as of a lamb blameless and spotless, of Christ: Known truly before the foundation of the world, and made manifest in the last times for you, read more.
Who by him believing in God, having raised him from the dead, and having given him glory; that your faith and hope should be in God.

Young children, it is the last hour: and as ye have heard that antichrist comes, and now many antichrists have come; whence we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they had remained with us, but, that they might be manifested, that they are not all of us.

God, formerly multifariously and abundantly having spoken to the fathers in the prophets, At these last days spake to us in the Son, whom he set heir of all things, by whom also he made the times;

Knowing that not with corruptible things, silver and gold, were ye redeemed from your vain mode of life transmitted from your fathers But with precious blood, as of a lamb blameless and spotless, of Christ: Known truly before the foundation of the world, and made manifest in the last times for you,

Knowing that not with corruptible things, silver and gold, were ye redeemed from your vain mode of life transmitted from your fathers But with precious blood, as of a lamb blameless and spotless, of Christ:

Knowing that not with corruptible things, silver and gold, were ye redeemed from your vain mode of life transmitted from your fathers But with precious blood, as of a lamb blameless and spotless, of Christ:

What was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we beheld, and our own hands felt, concerning the word of life; (And the life was manifested, and we have seen, and we testify, and announce to you the eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested to us;) What we have seen and heard we announce to you, that ye also might have communion with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

Knowing that not with corruptible things, silver and gold, were ye redeemed from your vain mode of life transmitted from your fathers But with precious blood, as of a lamb blameless and spotless, of Christ: Known truly before the foundation of the world, and made manifest in the last times for you,

The word ye know, having been through the whole of Judea, having begun from Galilee, after the immersion which John preached; Jesus from Nazareth, how God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and power; who passed through doing good, and healing all oppressed by the devil; for God was with him. And ye are witnesses of all which he did in the country of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they killed, having hanged upon wood: read more.
Him God raised the third day, and gave him to be manifest; Not to all people, but to witnesses chosen before by God, to us, who ate and drank with him after his rising from the dead. And he enjoined us to proclaim to the people, and to testify that this is he appointed by God, Judge of the living and the dead. To him all the prophets testify, for all believing on him to receive remission of sins through his name.

Therefore truly, God having overlooked the times of ignorance, now announces to all men everywhere to repent: Wherefore he set a day, in which he is about to judge the habitable globe in justice by the man whom he appointed; having offered faith to all, having raised him from the dead.

Knowing that not with corruptible things, silver and gold, were ye redeemed from your vain mode of life transmitted from your fathers But with precious blood, as of a lamb blameless and spotless, of Christ: Known truly before the foundation of the world, and made manifest in the last times for you,

And truly we justly; for we receive things worthy of what we have done: and this has done nothing out of place.

See ye, what kind of love the Father has given us, that we should be called the children of God: for this the world knows us not, for it knew him not. Dearly beloved, now are we the children of God, and it has not yet been manifested what we shall be: and we know that, if he be manifested, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every one having this hope in him purifies himself, as he himself is pure.

Knowing that not with corruptible things, silver and gold, were ye redeemed from your vain mode of life transmitted from your fathers But with precious blood, as of a lamb blameless and spotless, of Christ: Known truly before the foundation of the world, and made manifest in the last times for you, read more.
Who by him believing in God, having raised him from the dead, and having given him glory; that your faith and hope should be in God. Having purified your souls in the hearing of the truth by the Spirit to unfeigned brotherly love, out of pure hearts love ye one another cordially: Begotten again, not of corrupted seed, but uncorrupted, by the word of God, living and remaining forever.

And he brought forth all the bullock to from without the camp to a clean place, to the pouring out of the ashes, and burnt it upon the wood in fire: upon the pouring out of the ashes it shall be burnt

for of whom the blood of the living ones is brought for sin into the holies by the chief priest, the bodies of these are burned without the camp. Wherefore also Jesus, that he might consecrate the people by his own blood, suffered without the camp. Therefore we should come to him without the camp, bearing his reproach.

And I saw, and, behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb standing as having been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent into all the earth.

Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, When a saul shall sin in error from all the commands of Jehovah which shall not be done, and doing from after any of them: If the priest being anointed shall sin according to the guilt of the people; and he brought for his sin which he sinned, a bullock, the son of a cow, blameless to Jehovah for the sin.

And into the second the chief priest alone once a year, not without blood, which he brings near for himself, and the errors of the people: This the Holy Spirit designating, the way of the holies had not yet been made manifest, the first tent yet having a standing: Which a parable for the time placed in, according to which both gifts and sacrifices are brought near, not being able for consciousness to perfect him serving; read more.
Only in food and drinks, and different immersions, and precepts of the flesh, being placed till the time of amendment. And Christ being present, a chief priest of good things about to be, by a greater and more perfect tent, not made with hands, that is; not of this creation; Neither by the blood of he-goats and calves, and by his own blood he went in once for all to the holies, having found eternal deliverance. For if the blood of bulls and he-goats, and the ashes of a heifer besprinkling the polluted, consecrates to the purity of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ, who by the eternal Spirit offered himself blameless to God, purify your consciousness from dead works to serve the living God? And for this he is mediator of a new covenant, that death having been, for redemption of the transgressions for the first covenant, the called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

Wherefore neither was the first consecrated without blood. For every command spoken according to law by Moses, to all the people, having taken the blood of calves and he-goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and also the book, and he sprinkled all the people, Saying, This the blood of the covenant which God enjoined to you. read more.
And also the tent, and all the vessels of the service, he poured all over likewise with blood. And almost all things are purified according to the law with blood; and without blood-letting there is no remission. Therefore truly a necessity for the patterns of things in the heavens to be purified with these; and the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. For Christ came not into the holy places made with hands, the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to be shown clearly to the face of God for us: Neither that he should offer himself many times, as the chief priest comes in to the holy places yearly with blood pertaining to others;

For the law having a shadow of good things about to be, not the same image of the things, with these sacrifices which they bring in yearly in continuance never can render perfect them coming thereto. For would they not have ceased to be brought in? because they serving have no more consciousness of sins, once purified. But in these, a reminding of sins yearly. read more.
For the blood of bulls and he-goats cannot take away sins. Wherefore coming into the world, he says, Sacrifice and offering then wouldest not, but a body hast thou adjusted to me: And with whole burnt offering for sin wast thou not contented. Then said I, Behold, I am here (in the head of the book it was written of me,) O God, to do thy will. Farther back, saying, That sacrifice and bringing in and whole burnt offerings and for sin thou wouldest not, neither wert contented with; which are brought in according to law; Then he said, Behold, I am here to do, O God, thy will. He takes away the first, that he might set up the second. In which will we are consecrated by the bringing in of the body of Jesus Christ once. And truly every priest has stood daily, serving and bringing in many times the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this, having brought in one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God; As to the rest, awaiting till his enemies be put a footstool of his feet. For by one offering has he perfected forever the consecrated. And also the Holy Spirit testifies to us: for after having said before, This the covenant which I will establish with them after those days, says the Lord, giving my laws upon their heart, and upon their minds will I write them; And their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. And where remission of these, no more bringing in for sin. Having therefore, brethren, freedom of speech for the entering in of the holies by the blood of Jesus, A way publicly declared and living, which he consecrated to us, through the veil, that is, his flesh; And a great priest over the house of God; Let us approach with a true heart in complete certainty of faith, having our hearts besprinkled from an evil consciousness, and having our bodies washed with pure water.