Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Because for this cause was the gospel preached also to those that are dead, that they might be judged in flesh according to men, but live in spirit according to God.

Since the Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, be ye also armed with the same thought; for he that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so that now the time that remains in the flesh, he might live, not unto the lusts of men, but unto the will of God. For it should suffice us that during the time past of our life we had done the will of the Gentiles, when we conversed in lasciviousness, lusts, drunkenness, gluttony, orgies, and abominable idolatries. read more.
And it seems strange to those that speak evil of you, that ye do not run with them to the same unchecked dissolution; the same shall give account to him that is ready to judge the living and the dead. Because for this cause was the gospel preached also to those that are dead, that they might be judged in flesh according to men, but live in spirit according to God.

Because for this cause was the gospel preached also to those that are dead, that they might be judged in flesh according to men, but live in spirit according to God.

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the eternal gospel that he might evangelize those that dwell on the earth and every nation and kindred and tongue and people,

in which he also went and preached unto the imprisoned spirits,

And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every weakness among the people.

And they departed and went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing every where.

and he came and preached peace unto you who were afar off and to those that were near.

Because for this cause was the gospel preached also to those that are dead, that they might be judged in flesh according to men, but live in spirit according to God.

Because for this cause was the gospel preached also to those that are dead, that they might be judged in flesh according to men, but live in spirit according to God.

Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an eternal covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.

Because for this cause was the gospel preached also to those that are dead, that they might be judged in flesh according to men, but live in spirit according to God.

Because for this cause was the gospel preached also to those that are dead, that they might be judged in flesh according to men, but live in spirit according to God.

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the eternal gospel that he might evangelize those that dwell on the earth and every nation and kindred and tongue and people,

in which he also went and preached unto the imprisoned spirits,

And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every weakness among the people.

And they departed and went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing every where.

and he came and preached peace unto you who were afar off and to those that were near.

Because for this cause was the gospel preached also to those that are dead, that they might be judged in flesh according to men, but live in spirit according to God.

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the eternal gospel that he might evangelize those that dwell on the earth and every nation and kindred and tongue and people,

in which he also went and preached unto the imprisoned spirits,

And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every weakness among the people.

And they departed and went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing every where.

and he came and preached peace unto you who were afar off and to those that were near.

Because for this cause was the gospel preached also to those that are dead, that they might be judged in flesh according to men, but live in spirit according to God.

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the eternal gospel that he might evangelize those that dwell on the earth and every nation and kindred and tongue and people,

in which he also went and preached unto the imprisoned spirits,

And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every weakness among the people.

And they departed and went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing every where.

and he came and preached peace unto you who were afar off and to those that were near.

Because for this cause was the gospel preached also to those that are dead, that they might be judged in flesh according to men, but live in spirit according to God.