Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

And what the surpassing greatness of his power unto us who believe, - according to the energy of the grasp of his might which he energised in the Christ, when he raised him from among the dead, and seated him at his right hand in the heavenlies, Over-above all principality, authority, and power, and lordship, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the coming one, read more.
And did put, all things, in subjection beneath his feet. And gave him to be head over all things unto the assembly, Which, indeed, is his body, the fulness of him who, the all things in all, is for himself filling up.

Ye wives, unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord, Because, a husband, is the head of his wife, as, the Christ also, is the head of the assembly, he, being the saviour of the body, -

Giving thanks unto the Father that hath made you sufficient for your share in the inheritance of the saints in the light, Who hath rescued us out of the authority of the darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love; In whom, we have our redemption - the remission of our sins, - read more.
Who, is an image of the unseen God, Firstborn of all creation, - Because, in him, were created all things in the heavens and upon the earth, the things seen and the things unseen, whether thrones or lordships or principalities or authorities, - they all, through him and for him, have been created, And, he, is before all, and, they all, in him, hold together; And, he, is the head of the body, the assembly, Who is the beginning, Firstborn from among the dead, in order that, he, might become, in all things, himself, pre-eminent; - Because, in him, was all the fullness well pleased to dwell, And, through him, fully to reconcile all things unto him, making peace through the blood of his cross, - through him- whether the things upon the earth or the things in the heavens;

But, now, hath he attained unto, a more distinguished public ministry, - by as much as of a better covenant also he is, mediator, which indeed, upon better promises, hath been legislated.

saying - What thou seest, write in a scroll, and send unto the Seven Assemblies, - unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamum, - and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, - and unto Laodicea.

He that, from above, doth come, over all, is: he that is of the earth, of the earth, is, and, of the earth, doth speak: he that, out of heaven, doth come, over all, is,

Assuredly, then, let all the house of Israel know: that, both Lord and Christ, hath God made him, even the same Jesus whom, ye, crucified!

By so much becoming superior to the messengers, by as much as, going beyond them, he hath inherited a more distinguished name.

For, of more glory than Moses, hath, this one been counted worthy - by as much as more honour than, the house, hath, he that prepared it;

But, now, hath he attained unto, a more distinguished public ministry, - by as much as of a better covenant also he is, mediator, which indeed, upon better promises, hath been legislated.

saying - What thou seest, write in a scroll, and send unto the Seven Assemblies, - unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamum, - and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, - and unto Laodicea.

He that, from above, doth come, over all, is: he that is of the earth, of the earth, is, and, of the earth, doth speak: he that, out of heaven, doth come, over all, is,

Assuredly, then, let all the house of Israel know: that, both Lord and Christ, hath God made him, even the same Jesus whom, ye, crucified!

By so much becoming superior to the messengers, by as much as, going beyond them, he hath inherited a more distinguished name.

For, of more glory than Moses, hath, this one been counted worthy - by as much as more honour than, the house, hath, he that prepared it;

But, now, hath he attained unto, a more distinguished public ministry, - by as much as of a better covenant also he is, mediator, which indeed, upon better promises, hath been legislated.

saying - What thou seest, write in a scroll, and send unto the Seven Assemblies, - unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamum, - and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, - and unto Laodicea.

He that, from above, doth come, over all, is: he that is of the earth, of the earth, is, and, of the earth, doth speak: he that, out of heaven, doth come, over all, is,

Assuredly, then, let all the house of Israel know: that, both Lord and Christ, hath God made him, even the same Jesus whom, ye, crucified!

By so much becoming superior to the messengers, by as much as, going beyond them, he hath inherited a more distinguished name.

For, of more glory than Moses, hath, this one been counted worthy - by as much as more honour than, the house, hath, he that prepared it;

Yea, I, will appoint him, firstborn, Most High to the kings of the earth!

And did put, all things, in subjection beneath his feet. And gave him to be head over all things unto the assembly, Which, indeed, is his body, the fulness of him who, the all things in all, is for himself filling up.

And when Balaam saw that it was good in the eyes of Yahweh to bless Israel, he went not as at other times to invoke enchantments, - but set towards the desert, his face.

But I know, O my God, that, thou, art proving the heart, and, with uprightness, wilt thou be pleased, - I, in the uprightness of my heart, have willingly offered all these things, now, therefore, thy people who are found here, have I seen with joy, offering willingly unto thee.

Giving thanks unto the Father that hath made you sufficient for your share in the inheritance of the saints in the light, Who hath rescued us out of the authority of the darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love; In whom, we have our redemption - the remission of our sins, - read more.
Who, is an image of the unseen God, Firstborn of all creation, - Because, in him, were created all things in the heavens and upon the earth, the things seen and the things unseen, whether thrones or lordships or principalities or authorities, - they all, through him and for him, have been created, And, he, is before all, and, they all, in him, hold together; And, he, is the head of the body, the assembly, Who is the beginning, Firstborn from among the dead, in order that, he, might become, in all things, himself, pre-eminent; - Because, in him, was all the fullness well pleased to dwell,

Wherefore, Jesus also, that he might hallow the people through means of his own blood, outside the gate, suffered: Now, therefore, let us be going forth unto him, outside the camp, his reproach bearing. For we have not here an abiding city, but, unto that which is to be, are we seeking our way. read more.
Through him, let us be offering up a sacrifice of praise, continually, unto God; that is, a fruit of lips confessing unto his name. But, of the doing good and of fellowship, be not forgetful; for, with such sacrifices as these, is, God, well-pleased.

But, now, hath he attained unto, a more distinguished public ministry, - by as much as of a better covenant also he is, mediator, which indeed, upon better promises, hath been legislated.

saying - What thou seest, write in a scroll, and send unto the Seven Assemblies, - unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamum, - and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, - and unto Laodicea.

He that, from above, doth come, over all, is: he that is of the earth, of the earth, is, and, of the earth, doth speak: he that, out of heaven, doth come, over all, is,

Assuredly, then, let all the house of Israel know: that, both Lord and Christ, hath God made him, even the same Jesus whom, ye, crucified!

By so much becoming superior to the messengers, by as much as, going beyond them, he hath inherited a more distinguished name.

For, of more glory than Moses, hath, this one been counted worthy - by as much as more honour than, the house, hath, he that prepared it;

But, just now, in Christ Jesus, ye, who at one time were afar off, were made nigh in the blood of the Christ; He, in fact, is our peace - who made both one, and, the enclosing middle-wall, took down, The enmity, in his flesh - the law of commandments in decrees - bringing to nought, - that, the two, he might create in himself, into one man of new mould, making peace. read more.
And might fully reconcile them both, in one body, through means of the cross, - slaying the enmity thereby; -

The all things, moreover, are of God, - who hath reconciled us unto himself, through Christ, and hath given, unto us, the reconciling ministry: - How that, God, was in Christ, reconciling, a world, unto himself, not reckoning, unto them, their offences, - and hath put, in us, the reconciling discourse. In behalf of Christ, therefore, are we ambassadors, - as if God were beseeching through us: we entreat, in behalf of Christ, - be reconciled unto God! read more.
Him who knew not sin, in our behalf, he made to be, sin, that we might become God's righteousness in him.

Seeing that, Christ, we being weak as yet, seasonably, in behalf of such as were ungodly, died. For, scarcely in behalf of a righteous man, will one die, - in behalf of the good man indeed, peradventure one even dareth to die; But God commendeth his own love unto us in that - we as yet being sinners, Christ in our behalf died. read more.
Much more, then, having now been declared righteous by his blood, shall we be saved through him from the anger. For, if being enemies we were reconciled unto God through the death of his Son, much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. And, not only, so, but are even boasting in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, - through whom, now, the reconciliation we have received.

For the law, having in a shadow of the destined good things, not the very image of the things, they can never, with the same sacrifices which year by year they offer evermore, make them who approach, perfect; Else would they not, in that case, have ceased being offered, by reason of those rendering the divine service having no further conscience at all of sins, being once for all purified? But, in them, is a recalling to mind of sins, year by year, read more.
For it is impossible for blood of bulls and goats to be taking away sins. Wherefore, coming into the world, he saith: Sacrifice and offering, thou willedst not, but, a body, hast thou fitted for me, - In whole-burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sins, thou didst not delight: Then, said I - Lo! I am come, - in the heading of the scroll, it is written concerning me, - to do, O God, thy will. Higher up, saying - Sacrifices, and offerings, and whole-burnt-offerings, and sacrifices for sins, thou willedst not, neither delightedst in, - the which, according to the law, are offered, Then, hath he said - Lo! I am come! to do, thy will: - he taketh away the first, that, the second, he may establish: By which will, we have been made holy, through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all. And, every priest, indeed, standeth daily publicly ministering, and the same sacrifices ofttimes offering, the which never can clear away sins; But this priest, having offered one sacrifice for sins evermore, sat down on the right hand of God: As for the rest, waiting - until his foes be made his footstool; For, by one offering, hath he perfected for evermore, them who are being made holy.

Giving thanks unto the Father that hath made you sufficient for your share in the inheritance of the saints in the light, Who hath rescued us out of the authority of the darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love; In whom, we have our redemption - the remission of our sins, - read more.
Who, is an image of the unseen God, Firstborn of all creation, - Because, in him, were created all things in the heavens and upon the earth, the things seen and the things unseen, whether thrones or lordships or principalities or authorities, - they all, through him and for him, have been created, And, he, is before all, and, they all, in him, hold together; And, he, is the head of the body, the assembly, Who is the beginning, Firstborn from among the dead, in order that, he, might become, in all things, himself, pre-eminent; - Because, in him, was all the fullness well pleased to dwell, And, through him, fully to reconcile all things unto him, making peace through the blood of his cross, - through him- whether the things upon the earth or the things in the heavens; And, you, who at one time were estranged and enemies in your mind in your wicked works, yet, now, hath he fully reconciled, In his body of flesh, through means of his death, to present you holy and blameless and unaccusable before him, -

But, Jesus, made some little less than messengers, we do behold: by reason of the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour, to the end that, by favour of God, in behalf of every one, he might taste of death. For it was becoming in him - For the sake of whom are the all things, and by means of whom are the all things, - when, many sons, unto glory, he would lead, The Princely Leader of their salvation, through sufferings, to make perfect. For, both he that maketh holy, and they who are being made holy, are, all, of One; For which cause, he is not ashamed to be calling them, brethren, read more.
saying - I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of an assembly, will I sing praise unto thee; and again - I, will be confident upon him; and again - Lo! I, and the children which, unto me, God, hath given. Seeing therefore the children have received a fellowship of blood and flesh, he also, in like manner, took partnership in the same, - in order that, through death, - he might paralyse him that held the dominion of death, that is, the Adversary, - And might release these - as many as, by fear of death, were all their lifetime liable, to bondage. For, not surely of messengers, is he laying hold, but, of Abraham's seed, he is laying hold. Whence he was obliged, in every way, unto the brethren, to be made like, that he might become a merciful and faithful high-priest, in the things pertaining unto God, - for the making of propitiation for the sins of the people.

And did put, all things, in subjection beneath his feet. And gave him to be head over all things unto the assembly, Which, indeed, is his body, the fulness of him who, the all things in all, is for himself filling up.