Thematic Bible: Human Limitations

Thematic Bible

He built a wall around me so that I am unable to go out. He made a heavy chain for me.

You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid your hand upon me.

No man has the power to restrain the wind, to retain the breath of life. Neither does he have power in the day of death. There is no discharge from that war. Neither will wickedness deliver those who are given to it.

You fasten my feet in shackles. You keep close watch on all my paths by putting marks on the soles of my feet.

God has blocked my path so that I cannot go on. He has made my path dark.

The disciples replied: Where would we get so many loaves in this desolate place to satisfy such a large crowd? Jesus asked: How many loaves do you have? They said: Seven, and a few small fish.

Then she said: By the life of Jehovah your God, I have nothing but a little meal, and a drop of oil in the bottle; and now I am getting two sticks together so that I may go in and make it ready for me and my son, so that we may have a meal before our death.

Early the next morning Abraham took bread and a container of water and gave them to Hagar, putting them on her shoulder. He also gave her the boy and sent her on her way. So she left and wandered around in the desert near Beer-sheba.

And do not promise by your head, for you cannot even control the hair on your head.

Elisha said: Tell me what shall I do for you? What do you have at home? She answered: Except for a small jar of olive oil, I have nothing.

This is because a friend of mine is visiting and I do not have any food to feed him.

Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden, whom God has hedged (fenced) in?