Thematic Bible: Reconciliation to God effected by

Thematic Bible

Nevertheless, all things are of God, which hath reconciled us unto himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given unto us the office to preach the atonement. For God was in Christ, and made agreement between the world and himself, and imputed not their sins unto them: and hath committed to us the preaching of the atonement. Now then are we messengers in the room of Christ: even as though God did beseech you through us. So pray we you, in Christ's stead, that ye be at one with God:

But now in Christ Jesus, ye which a while ago were far off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, which hath made of both one, and hath broken down the wall in the midst, that was a stop between us, and hath also put away, through his flesh, the cause of hatred - that is to say, the law of commandments contained in the law written - for to make of twain one new man in himself, so making peace. read more.
And to reconcile both unto God in one body through his cross, and slew hatred thereby:

and by him to reconcile all things unto himself, and to set at peace by him through the blood of his cross both things in heaven and things in earth. And you - which were in times past strangers and enemies, because your minds were set in evil works - hath he now reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to make you holy, unblameable, and without fault in his own sight,