Luke 9:51
And it followed, when the time was come that he should be received up, then he set his face to go to Jerusalem:
Mark 16:19
So then when the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received into heaven, and is set down on the righthand of God.
Luke 13:22
And he went through all manner of cities and towns, teaching, and journeying towards Jerusalem.
Luke 17:11
And it chanced as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through Samaria and Galilee.
Luke 18:31
He took unto him twelve, and said unto them, "Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all shall be fulfilled that are written by the prophets of the son of man.
Luke 19:28
And when he had thus spoken, he proceeded forth before them, ascending up to Jerusalem.
2 Kings 2:1-3
And it chanced that the LORD was minded to take up Elijah to heaven in a whirlwind.
2 Kings 2:11
And as they went walking and talking, behold, there came a chariot of fire and horses of fire and put them asunder. And Elijah went up in the whirlwind to heaven.
Isaiah 50:5-9
The LORD God hath opened mine ear; therefore can I not say nay, nor withdraw myself.
Luke 12:50
Notwithstanding, I must be baptised with a baptism. And how am I pained till it be ended?
Luke 19:11
As they heard these things, he added thereto a similitude, because he was nigh to Jerusalem; And because also, they thought that the kingdom of God should shortly appear.
Luke 24:51
And it came to pass, as he blessed them, he departed from them, and was carried up into heaven.
John 6:62
What and if ye shall see the son of man ascend up where he was before?
John 13:1
Before the feast of Easter, when Jesus knew that his hour was come, that he should depart out of this world unto the father; When he loved his which were in the world, unto the end he loved them;
John 16:5
But now go I my way to him that sent me, and none of you asketh me, 'Whither goest thou?'
John 16:28
"I went out from the father, and came into the world: and I leave the world again, and go to the father."
John 17:11
And now am I no more in the world, but they are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy father, keep in thine own name them which thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are.
Acts 1:2
until the day in the which he was taken up; after that he, through the holy ghost, had given commandments unto the apostles, which he had chosen:
Acts 1:9
And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up: and a cloud received him up out of their sight.
Acts 20:22-24
And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, and know not what shall come on me there,
Acts 21:11-14
When he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his hands and feet and said, "Thus saith the holy ghost, 'So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the gentiles.'"
Ephesians 1:20
which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead and set him on his righthand in heavenly things,
Ephesians 4:8-11
Wherefore he saith, "He is gone up on high, and hath led captivity captive, and hath given gifts unto men."
Philippians 3:14
and press unto that mark appointed, to obtain the reward of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
1 Timothy 3:16
And without nay, great is that mystery of godliness. God was showed in the flesh, was justified in the spirit, was seen of angels, was preached unto the gentiles, was believed on in earth and received up in glory.
Hebrews 6:20
whither the forerunner is for us entered in, I mean Jesus that is made a high priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek.
Hebrews 12:2
looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, which for the joy that was set before him, abode the cross, and despised the shame, and is set down on the righthand of the throne of God.
1 Peter 3:22-1
which is our righthand of God, and is gone into heaven: angels, power, and might subdued unto him.