Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.
And ye believed
The publicans
General references
Bible References
Matthew 3:1
Now in those days John the Baptist *came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying,
Isaiah 35:8 A highway will be there, a roadway,
And it will be called the Highway ofHoliness.
The unclean will not travel on it,
But it will be for him who walks that way,
Andfools will not wander on it.
And it will be called the Highway of
The unclean will not travel on it,
But it will be for him who walks that way,
Jeremiah 6:16 Thus says the Lord,
“Stand by the ways and see and ask for theancient paths,
Where the good way is, and walk in it;
Andyou will find rest for your souls.
But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’
“Stand by the ways and see and ask for the
Where the good way is, and walk in it;
But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’
Luke 3:8
Therefore bear fruits in keeping with repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham for our father,’ for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children to Abraham.
2 Peter 2:21 For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment handed on to them.
And ye believed
Matthew 21:25 The baptism of John was from what source, from heaven or from men?” And they began reasoning among themselves, saying, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ He will say to us, ‘Then why did you not believe him?’
Matthew 11:18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon!’
Luke 7:29
When all the people and the tax collectors heard this, they acknowledged God’s justice, having been baptized with the baptism of John.
John 5:33 You have sent to John, and he has testified to the truth.
Acts 13:25
And while John was completing his course, he kept saying, ‘What do you suppose that I am? I am not He. But behold, one is coming after me the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to untie.’
The publicans
Luke 7:37 And there was a woman in the city who was a sinner; and when she learned that He was reclining at the table in the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster vial of perfume,
Psalm 81:11 “But My people did not listen to My voice,
And Israel did notobey Me.
And Israel did not
Zechariah 7:11
But they refused to pay attention and turned a stubborn shoulder and stopped their ears from hearing.
John 5:37 And the Father who sent Me, He has testified of Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time nor seen His form.
2 Timothy 2:25 with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth,
Hebrews 3:12 Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God.
Hebrews 6:6
and then have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance, since they again crucify to themselves the Son of God and put Him to open shame.
Revelation 2:21 I gave her time to repent, and she does not want to repent of her immorality.
General references
Isaiah 1:19 “If you consent and obey,
You willeat the best of the land;
You will
Matthew 19:30 But many who are first will be last; and the last, first.
Mark 2:15
And it *happened that He was reclining at the table in his house, and many tax collectors and sinners were dining with Jesus and His disciples; for there were many of them, and they were following Him.
Luke 1:16
And he will turn many of the sons of Israel back to the Lord their God.
Luke 3:12
And some tax collectors also came to be baptized, and they said to him, “Teacher, what shall we do?”
Luke 5:30 The Pharisees and their scribes began grumbling at His disciples, saying, “Why do you eat and drink with the tax collectors and sinners?”
Luke 12:57 “And why do you not even on your own initiative judge what is right?