John in the Bible

Meaning: the grace or mercy of the Lord

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but on the contrary seeing that I was intrusted with the gospel of the uncircumcision, as Peter was of the circumcision,??8 for he that operated in Peter for the apostleship of the circumcision, operated also in me for the gentiles,??9 and knowing the grace given me, James and Cephas and John, who were manifest pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship that we should go to the gentiles and they to the circumcision;

Thematic Bible

The child was growing, and becoming strong in spirit, and was in the desert until the day of his public appearance to Israel.

I John, your brother and partner with you in persecution, Kingdom, and patient endurance in Jesus, was on the island that is called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.

I John, your brother and partner with you in persecution, Kingdom, and patient endurance in Jesus, was on the island that is called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.

After this, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, so that no wind would blow on the earth, or on the sea, or on any tree. I saw another angel ascend from the sunrise, having the seal of the living God. He called out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to harm the earth and the sea, saying, "Do not harm the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, until we have sealed the bondservants of our God on their foreheads." read more.
I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the children of Israel: of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand, of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand, of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand, of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand, of the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand, of the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand, of the tribe of Simeon twelve thousand, of the tribe of Levi twelve thousand, of the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand, of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand, of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand, of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.

Paul said, "John indeed baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe in the one who would come after him, that is, in Jesus."

As it is written in the scroll of the words of Isaiah the prophet, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Make ready the way of the Lord. Make his paths straight. Every valley will be filled. Every mountain and hill will be brought low. The crooked will become straight, and the rough ways smooth. All flesh will see God's salvation.'"

He answered them, "Elijah indeed comes first, and will restore all things,

As it is written in Isaiah the prophet, "Look, I send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Make ready the way of the Lord. Make his paths straight.'" John came baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming the baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins. read more.
And all the country of Judea and all those of Jerusalem went out to him, and they were baptized by him in the Jordan river, confessing their sins. And John was clothed with camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey. And he preached, saying, "After me comes he who is mightier than I, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and loosen. I baptized you in water, but he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit."

For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and he will drink no wine nor strong drink. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb. He will turn many of the sons of Israel to the Lord, their God. He will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, 'to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,' and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."

And you, child, will be called a prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to make ready his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the remission of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the dawn from on high will visit us, read more.
to shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death; to guide our feet into the way of peace."

He came as a witness to testify about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but was sent that he might testify about the light.

John testified about him. He shouted out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has surpassed me, for he was before me.'"

They said therefore to him, "Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?" He said, "I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord,' as Isaiah the prophet said." (Now they had been sent from the Pharisees.) read more.
And they asked him, "Why then do you baptize, if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?" John answered them, saying, "I baptize in water, but among you stands one whom you do not know. He is the one who comes after me, whose sandal strap I'm not worthy to loosen." These things were done in Bethany across the Jordan, where John was baptizing.

I did not know him, but for this reason I came baptizing in water: that he would be revealed to Israel." And John testified, saying, "I saw the Spirit descending like a dove out of heaven, and it remained on him. And I did not recognize him, but he who sent me to baptize in water, he said to me, 'On whomever you will see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, this is he who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.' read more.
And I have seen and have testified that this is the Chosen One of God."

It is another who testifies about me. I know that the testimony which he testifies about me is true. You have sent to John, and he has testified to the truth. But the testimony which I receive is not from man. However, I say these things that you may be saved. read more.
He was the burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light.

before his coming, when John had first preached the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel. As John was fulfilling his course, he said, 'What do you suppose that I am? I am not he. But behold, one comes after me the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to untie.'

And he preached, saying, "After me comes he who is mightier than I, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and loosen. I baptized you in water, but he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit."

John testified about him. He shouted out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has surpassed me, for he was before me.'"

I indeed baptize you in water for repentance, but the one who comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing floor. He will gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire."

John answered them all, "I indeed baptize you with water, but he comes who is mightier than I, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to loosen. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire, whose fan is in his hand, to thoroughly cleanse his threshing floor, and will gather the wheat into his barn; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

John answered them, saying, "I baptize in water, but among you stands one whom you do not know. He is the one who comes after me, whose sandal strap I'm not worthy to loosen." These things were done in Bethany across the Jordan, where John was baptizing. read more.
The next day, he saw Jesus coming to him, and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. This is he of whom I said, 'After me comes a man who ranks ahead of me, because he existed before me.' I did not know him, but for this reason I came baptizing in water: that he would be revealed to Israel." And John testified, saying, "I saw the Spirit descending like a dove out of heaven, and it remained on him. And I did not recognize him, but he who sent me to baptize in water, he said to me, 'On whomever you will see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, this is he who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.' And I have seen and have testified that this is the Chosen One of God." Again, the next day, John was standing with two of his disciples, and he looked at Jesus as he walked, and said, "Look, the Lamb of God."

John also was baptizing in Aenon near Salim, because there was much water there. They came, and were baptized. For John was not yet thrown into prison. Now a dispute arose between John's disciples with a Jew about purification. read more.
They came to John, and said to him, "Rabbi, he who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified, look, he is baptizing, and everyone is coming to him." John answered, "A man can receive nothing, unless it has been given to him from heaven. You yourselves bear me witness that I said, 'I am not the Messiah,' but, 'I have been sent before him.' He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice. So this joy of mine is now complete. He must increase, but I must decrease. He who comes from above is above all. He who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all. What he has seen and heard, of that he testifies; and no one receives his witness. He who has received his witness has set his seal to this, that God is true. For he whom God has sent speaks the words of God; for he does not give the Spirit by measure. The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into his hand. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever refuses to believe in the Son won't see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

It is another who testifies about me. I know that the testimony which he testifies about me is true. You have sent to John, and he has testified to the truth.

Many came to him. They said, "John indeed did no sign, but everything that John said about this man is true."

As John was fulfilling his course, he said, 'What do you suppose that I am? I am not he. But behold, one comes after me the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to untie.'

And all the country of Judea and all those of Jerusalem went out to him, and they were baptized by him in the Jordan river, confessing their sins.

As the people were in expectation, and all men reasoned in their hearts concerning John, whether perhaps he was the Messiah,

Then people from Jerusalem, all of Judea, and all the region around the Jordan went out to him, and they were baptized by him in the Jordan river, confessing their sins.

And though he wanted to kill him, he feared the crowd because they regarded him as a prophet.

For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. When you saw it, you did not even repent afterward, that you might believe him.

If we should say, 'From man'"?they feared the crowd, for all held John to really be a prophet.

He said therefore to the crowds who went out to be baptized by him, "You offspring of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

But if we say, 'From man,' all the people will stone us, for they are persuaded that John was a prophet."

Again, the next day, John was standing with two of his disciples, and he looked at Jesus as he walked, and said, "Look, the Lamb of God." And the two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. read more.
And Jesus turned and saw them following, and said to them, "What are you looking for?" They said to him, "Rabbi" (which translated means Teacher), "where are you staying?" He said to them, "Come, and you will see." They came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. It was about the tenth hour. One of the two who heard John, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.

Now when he heard that John was delivered up, he withdrew into Galilee.

At that time, Herod the tetrarch heard the report concerning Jesus, and said to his servants, "This is John the Baptist. He is risen from the dead. That is why these powers work in him." For Herod had arrested John, and bound him, and put him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife. read more.
For John said to him, "It is not lawful for you to have her." And though he wanted to kill him, he feared the crowd because they regarded him as a prophet. But when Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced among them and pleased Herod. Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatever she should ask. And she, being prompted by her mother, said, "Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist." And the king was grieved, but for the sake of his oaths, and of those who sat at the table with him, he commanded it to be given, and he sent and beheaded John in the prison. And his head was brought on a platter, and given to the young lady: and she brought it to her mother. Then his disciples came, and took the body, and buried it; and they went and told Jesus.

But Herod, when he heard this, said, "This is John, whom I beheaded. He has risen." For Herod himself had sent out and arrested John, and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, for he had married her. For John said to Herod, "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife." read more.
So Herodias set herself against him, and desired to kill him, but she could not, for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and kept him safe. And when he heard him, he was very perplexed, but he heard him gladly. And then a convenient day came, that Herod on his birthday gave a supper for his nobles, the high officers, and the chief men of Galilee. And when the daughter of Herodias herself came in and danced, she pleased Herod and those sitting with him. The king said to the young lady, "Ask me whatever you want, and I will give it to you." And he swore to her, "Whatever you shall ask of me, I will give you, up to half of my kingdom." So she went out, and said to her mother, "What shall I ask?" And she said, "The head of John the Baptist." And she came in immediately with haste to the king, and asked, "I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter." And the king was exceedingly sorry, but for the sake of his oaths, and of his dinner guests, he did not wish to refuse her. So immediately the king sent out a soldier of his guard, and commanded to bring John's head, and he went and beheaded him in the prison, and brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the young lady; and the young lady gave it to her mother. And when his disciples heard this, they came and took up his corpse, and placed it in a tomb.

But I tell you that Elijah has come, and they have also done to him whatever they wanted to, even as it is written about him."

Then with many other exhortations he preached good news to the people, but Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him for Herodias, his brother's wife, and for all the evil things which Herod had done, added this also to them all, that he shut up John in prison.

Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John, to be baptized by him. But John would have hindered him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me?" But Jesus, answering, said to him, "Allow it now, for this is the fitting way for us to fulfill all righteousness." Then he allowed him. read more.
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up directly from the water: and suddenly the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming on him.

And John testified, saying, "I saw the Spirit descending like a dove out of heaven, and it remained on him.

And it happened in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Immediately coming up from the water, he saw the heavens parting, and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came out of the sky, "You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased."

Now it happened, when all the people were baptized, Jesus also had been baptized, and was praying. The sky was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily form as a dove on him; and a voice came out of the sky, saying "You are my beloved Son. In you I am well pleased."

It is another who testifies about me. I know that the testimony which he testifies about me is true. You have sent to John, and he has testified to the truth. But the testimony which I receive is not from man. However, I say these things that you may be saved. read more.
He was the burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light.

For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. When you saw it, you did not even repent afterward, that you might believe him.

But I tell you that Elijah has come, and they have also done to him whatever they wanted to, even as it is written about him."

but I tell you that Elijah has come already, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wanted to. Even so the Son of Man will also suffer by them." Then the disciples understood that he spoke to them of John the Baptist.

King Herod heard this, for his name had become known, and he said, "John the Baptist has risen from the dead, and therefore these powers are at work in him."

At that time, Herod the tetrarch heard the report concerning Jesus, and said to his servants, "This is John the Baptist. He is risen from the dead. That is why these powers work in him."

But Herod, when he heard this, said, "This is John, whom I beheaded. He has risen."

They said, "Some say John the Baptist, some, Elijah, and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets."

They answered, "'John the Baptist,' but others say, 'Elijah,' and others, that one of the old prophets is risen again."

John came baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming the baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins.

And in those days John the Baptist came, proclaiming in the wilderness of Judea, saying, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near." For this is he who was spoken of by Isaiah the prophet, saying, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, make ready the way of the Lord. Make his paths straight."

in the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John, the son of Zechariah, in the wilderness. He came into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming the baptism of repentance for remission of sins.

There came a man, sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but was sent that he might testify about the light.

He said, "Go into the city to a certain person, and tell him, 'The Teacher says, "My time is near. I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples."'" The disciples did as Jesus commanded them, and they prepared the Passover.

He sent two of his disciples, and said to them, "Go into the city, and there you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water. Follow him, and wherever he enters in, tell the master of the house, 'The Teacher says, "Where is my guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?"' He will himself show you a large upper room furnished and ready. Make ready for us there." read more.
The disciples went out, and came into the city, and found things as he had said to them, and they prepared the Passover.

He sent Peter and John, saying, "Go and prepare the Passover for us, that we may eat." They said to him, "Where do you want us to prepare?" He said to them, "Look, when you have entered into the city, a man carrying a pitcher of water will meet you. Follow him into the house which he enters. read more.
Tell the master of the house, 'The Teacher says to you, "Where is the guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?"' He will show you a large, furnished upper room. Make preparations there." They went, found things as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover.

He rose up from the synagogue, and entered into Simon's house. Simon's mother-in-law was afflicted with a great fever, and they begged him for her. He stood over her, and rebuked the fever; and it left her. Immediately she rose up and served them.

And when Jesus came into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother lying sick with a fever. So he touched her hand, and the fever left her. She got up and served him.

Now Simon's wife's mother lay sick with a fever, and immediately they told him about her. And he came and took her by the hand, and raised her up. The fever left her, and she served them.

The voice of one who calls out, "Prepare the way of the LORD in the wilderness. Make a level highway in the desert for our God.

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.

An angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing on the right side of the altar of incense. Zechariah was troubled when he saw him, and fear fell upon him. But the angel said to him, "Do not be afraid, Zechariah, because your request has been heard, and your wife, Elizabeth, will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. read more.
You will have joy and gladness; and many will rejoice at his birth. For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and he will drink no wine nor strong drink. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb. He will turn many of the sons of Israel to the Lord, their God. He will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, 'to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,' and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."

John came baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming the baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins.

The child was growing, and becoming strong in spirit, and was in the desert until the day of his public appearance to Israel.

And in those days John the Baptist came, proclaiming in the wilderness of Judea, saying,

in the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John, the son of Zechariah, in the wilderness. He came into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming the baptism of repentance for remission of sins.

He took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and severely troubled.

He took with him Peter, James, and John, and began to be greatly troubled and distressed.

He came out, and went, as his custom was, to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him.

John answered, "Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him, because he does not follow with us." Jesus said to him, "Do not forbid him, for he who is not against you is for you."

John said to him, "Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name; and we forbade him, because he does not follow us."

When his disciples, James and John, saw this, they said, "Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from the sky, and destroy them?" And he turned and rebuked them, and said, "You do not know of what kind of spirit you are. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men?s lives, but to save them." And they went to another village.

For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.'

And John was clothed with camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey.

The child was growing, and becoming strong in spirit, and was in the desert until the day of his public appearance to Israel.

After six days, Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John his brother, and brought them up into a high mountain by themselves.

After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John, and brought them up onto a high mountain privately by themselves, and he was changed into another form in front of them.

It happened about eight days after these sayings, that he took with him Peter, John, and James, and went up onto the mountain to pray.

Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to him with her sons, kneeling and asking a certain thing of him. He said to her, "What do you want?" She said to him, "Command that these, my two sons, may sit, one on your right hand, and one on your left hand, in your Kingdom." But Jesus answered, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink?" They said to him, "We are able." read more.
He said to them, "You will indeed drink my cup, but to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it is for whom it has been prepared by my Father." When the ten heard it, they were indignant with the two brothers.

James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came near to him, and said to him, "Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we will ask." He said to them, "What do you want me to do for you?" They said to him, "Grant to us that we may sit, one at your right hand, and one at your left hand, in your glory." read more.
But Jesus said to them, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" They said to him, "We are able." Jesus said to them, "You shall indeed drink the cup that I drink, and you shall be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with; but to sit at my right hand and at my left hand is not mine to give, but for whom it has been prepared." When the ten heard it, they began to be indignant towards James and John.

The elder, to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in truth; and not I only, but also all those who know the truth;

The elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth.

For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.'

For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and he will drink no wine nor strong drink. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb.

For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, 'He has a demon.'

And as these went their way, Jesus began to say to the crowds concerning John, "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? But what did you go out to see? A man in soft clothing? Look, those who wear soft clothing are in kings' houses. But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and much more than a prophet. read more.
This is the one of whom it is written, 'Look, I send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.' Truly I tell you, among those who are born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he. And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to receive it, this is Elijah, who is to come. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. "But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces, who call to their companions and say, 'We played the flute for you, and you did not dance. We wailed in mourning, and you did not mourn.' For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.' The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Look, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' But wisdom is justified by her actions."

When John's messengers had departed, he began to tell the crowds about John, "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? But what did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft clothing? Look, those who are gorgeously dressed, and live delicately, are in kings' courts. But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and much more than a prophet. read more.
This is he of whom it is written, 'Look, I send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.' "For I tell you, among those who are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John, yet he who is least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he." When all the people and the tax collectors heard this, they declared God to be just, having been baptized with John's baptism. But the Pharisees and the Law scholars rejected the counsel of God, not being baptized by him themselves. "To what then will I liken the people of this generation? What are they like? They are like children who sit in the marketplace, and call one to another, saying, 'We piped to you, and you did not dance. We mourned, and you did not weep.' For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, 'He has a demon.'

Now when John heard in the prison the works of the Messiah, he sent [a message] by his disciples and said to him, "Are you the One who is to come, or should we look for another?" And Jesus answered them, "Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: read more.
the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended by me."

The disciples of John told him about all these things. John, calling to himself two of his disciples, sent them to the Lord, saying, "Are you the one who is coming, or should we look for another?" When the men had come to him, they said, "John the Baptist has sent us to you, saying, 'Are you the One who is to come, or should we look for another?'" read more.
In that hour he cured many of diseases and plagues and evil spirits; and to many who were blind he gave sight. Jesus answered them, "Go and tell John the things which you have seen and heard: that the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them. Blessed is he who is not offended by me."

One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was at the table, leaning against Jesus' chest. Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to inquire who it was he was talking about. He, leaning back, as he was, on Jesus' chest, asked him, "Lord, who is it?" read more.
Jesus therefore answered, "It is he to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it." So when he had dipped the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot.

Then Peter, turning around, saw a disciple following. This was the disciple whom Jesus sincerely loved, the one who had also leaned on Jesus' chest at the supper and asked, "Lord, who is going to betray You?"

and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will be catching men."

After these things, Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias. He revealed himself this way. Simon Peter, Thomas called Didymus, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples were together. Simon Peter said to them, "I'm going fishing." They told him, "We are also coming with you." They went out, and entered into the boat. That night, they caught nothing. read more.
But when day had already come, Jesus stood on the beach, yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus therefore said to them, "Children, have you anything to eat?" They answered him, "No." He said to them, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." They cast it therefore, and now they weren't able to draw it in for the multitude of fish. That disciple therefore whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It's the Lord." So when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he wrapped his coat around him (for he was naked), and threw himself into the sea.

He was the burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light.

for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and kept him safe. And when he heard him, he was very perplexed, but he heard him gladly.

And he allowed no one to follow him, except Peter, James, and John the brother of James.

When he came to the house, he did not allow anyone to enter in with him, except Peter, John, James, the father of the child, and her mother.

An angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing on the right side of the altar of incense. Zechariah was troubled when he saw him, and fear fell upon him. But the angel said to him, "Do not be afraid, Zechariah, because your request has been heard, and your wife, Elizabeth, will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. read more.
You will have joy and gladness; and many will rejoice at his birth. For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and he will drink no wine nor strong drink. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb. He will turn many of the sons of Israel to the Lord, their God. He will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, 'to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,' and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." Zechariah said to the angel, "How can I be sure of this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years." The angel answered him, "I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God. I was sent to speak to you, and to bring you this good news. And look, you will be silent and not able to speak, until the day that these things will happen, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time."

Now the time that Elizabeth should give birth was fulfilled, and she brought forth a son. Her neighbors and her relatives heard that the Lord had magnified his mercy towards her, and they rejoiced with her. It happened on the eighth day, that they came to circumcise the child; and they would have called him Zechariah, after the name of the father. read more.
His mother answered, "Not so; but he will be called John." They said to her, "There is no one among your relatives who is called by this name." They made signs to his father, what he would have him called. And he asked for a writing tablet, and wrote, "His name is John." And they were all amazed. His mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue freed, and he spoke, blessing God. Fear came on all who lived around them, and all these sayings were talked about throughout all the hill country of Judea.

Simon Peter followed Jesus, as did another disciple. Now that disciple was known to the high priest, and entered in with Jesus into the court of the high priest; but Peter was standing at the door outside. So the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out and spoke to her who kept the door, and brought in Peter.

Therefore when Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, "Woman, look, your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Look, your mother." From that hour, the disciple took her to his own home.

Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, who, when they had come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit; for as yet he had fallen on none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. read more.
Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

Therefore she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and said to them, "They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have put him." Therefore Peter and the other disciple went out, and they went toward the tomb. They both ran together. The other disciple outran Peter, and came to the tomb first. read more.
Stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths lying, yet he did not enter in. Then Simon Peter came, following him, and entered into the tomb. He saw the linen cloths lying, and the cloth that had been on his head, not lying with the linen cloths, but rolled up in a place by itself. So then the other disciple who came first to the tomb also entered in, and he saw and believed.

Therefore when Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, "Woman, look, your son."

Now Peter and John were going up into the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. A certain man who was lame from his mother's womb was being carried, whom they put daily at the door of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask gifts for the needy of those who entered into the temple. Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked to receive gifts for the needy. read more.
Peter, fastening his eyes on him, with John, said, "Look at us." He listened to them, expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none, but what I have, that I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk." He took him by the right hand, and raised him up. Immediately his feet and his ankle bones received strength. Leaping up, he stood, and began to walk. He entered with them into the temple, walking, leaping, and praising God. All the people saw him walking and praising God. They recognized him, that it was he who used to sit begging for gifts for the needy at the Beautiful Gate of the temple. They were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. And as he held on to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the porch that is called Solomon's, greatly wondering.

As they spoke to the people, the priests and the captain of the temple and the Sadducees came to them, being upset because they taught the people and proclaimed in Jesus the resurrection from the dead. They laid hands on them, and put them in custody until the next day, for it was now evening. read more.
But many of those who heard the word believed, and the number of the men came to be about five thousand. It happened in the morning, that their rulers, elders, and scribes were gathered together in Jerusalem. Annas the high priest was there, with Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and as many as were relatives of the high priest. When they had stood them in the middle of them, they inquired, "By what power, or in what name, have you done this?" Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, "Rulers of the people, and elders, if we are examined today concerning a good deed done to a crippled man, by what means this man has been healed, be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, in him does this man stand here before you whole. He is 'the stone which was regarded as worthless by you, the builders, which has become the head of the corner.' And there is salvation in none other, for there is no other name under heaven, that is given among men by which we must be saved." Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and had perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they were amazed. They recognized that they had been with Jesus. Seeing the man who was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it. But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council, they conferred among themselves, saying, "What shall we do to these men? Because indeed a notable miracle has been done through them, as can be plainly seen by all who dwell in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it. But so that this spreads no further among the people, let us threaten them, that from now on they do not speak to anyone in this name." They called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves,

Many came to him. They said, "John indeed did no sign, but everything that John said about this man is true."

They told me, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings."

When they had come in, they went up into the upper room, where they were staying; that is Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James.

They said to him, "The disciples of John often fast and pray, likewise also the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours eat and drink."

It happened, that when he finished praying in a certain place, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John also taught his disciples."

I John, your brother and partner with you in persecution, Kingdom, and patient endurance in Jesus, was on the island that is called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.

and when they perceived the grace that was given to me, James and Cephas and John, they who were reputed to be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcised.

Annas the high priest was there, with Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and as many as were relatives of the high priest.

One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was at the table, leaning against Jesus' chest.

I John, your brother and partner with you in persecution, Kingdom, and patient endurance in Jesus, was on the island that is called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.

I John, your brother and partner with you in persecution, Kingdom, and patient endurance in Jesus, was on the island that is called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.

But the Pharisees and the Law scholars rejected the counsel of God, not being baptized by him themselves.

This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things which must happen soon, which he sent and made known by his angel to his servant, John,