'Put Aside' in the Bible
And he will say, Is it not that his name was called Jacob? he will defraud me this twice: he took my birthright and behold, now he took my blessing And he will say, Didst thou not put aside a blessing for me?
He said to them, “This is what the Lord has said: ‘Tomorrow is a solemn rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord’; bake and boil what you will bake and boil [today], and all that remains left over put aside for yourselves to keep until morning.”
but, as often as Moses went in before Yahweh to speak with him, be put aside the veil until he came out, - and, as often as he came out and spake unto the sons of Israel, that which he had been commanded,
Now obey the Lord and worship him with integrity and loyalty. Put aside the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt and worship the Lord.
Joshua said, "Now put aside the foreign gods that are among you and submit to the Lord God of Israel."
O that I utterly had no being, or were as a thing born out of time that is put aside, either as young children, which never saw the light.
When ye divide the land by the lot, ye shall put aside one part for the LORD, to be holy from other lands: namely twenty five thousand measuring rods long, and ten thousand broad. This shall be holy, as wide as it is round about.
All that is separated of the twenty five thousand long and twenty five thousand broad on the four parts, that shall ye put aside for the separated portion of the Sanctuary, and for the possession of the city.
and put aside for himself part of the price, his wife also being privy to it; and having brought a certain part, laid it at the feet of the apostles.
But Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled thy heart that thou shouldest lie to the Holy Spirit, and put aside for thyself a part of the price of the estate?
So the disciples put aside money, as each of them was able to afford it, for a contribution to be sent to the brothers in Judaea.
The night is almost over, and the day is near. Let's therefore put aside the actions of darkness and put on the armor of light.
When I was a child,I spoke like a child,I thought like a child,I reasoned like a child.When I became a man,I put aside childish things.
On the first day of every week each one of you is to put something aside, in proportion to his prosperity, and save it so that no collections [will need to] be made when I come.
wherefore having put aside all filthiness and superabundance of evil, in meekness be receiving the engrafted word, that is able to save your souls;
Having put aside, then, all evil, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envyings, and all evil speakings,
Put Asidenot in An Understandable Version