Genesis 31:43-55 - The Agreement Between Jacob And Laban

43 And Laban will answer and say to Jacob, The daughters, my daughters, and the sons, my sons, and the sheep, my sheep, and all which thou sawest, this to me, and to my daughters: what shall I do to these this day, or to their sons which they brought forth? 44 Now come thou we will make a covenant, I and thou; and it was for witness between me and between thee.

45 And Jacob will take a stone and raise up a pillar. 46 And Jacob will say to his brethren, Gather stones; and they will take stones and make a heap; and they will eat there upon the heap. 47 And Laban will call it the heap of testimony, and Jacob called it the heap of witness.

48 And Laban will say, This heap a witness between me and between thee this day, for this its name was called Gilead: 49 And watchtower: for he said Jehovah will watch between me and between thee when we shall be concealed a man from his Mend. 50 If thou shalt afflict my daughters, and if thou shalt take wives to my daughters, no man is with us, seeing God a witness between me and between thee. 51 And Laban will say to Jacob, Behold this heap; and behold the pillar which I cast between me and between thee. 52 A witness this heap, and a witness the pillar, if I will not pass over this heap to thee, and thou shalt not pass over to me, this heap and this pillar for evil. 53 The God of Abraham and the God of Nahor shall judge between us, the God of their father: and Jacob will swear by the fear of his father Isaak. 54 And Jacob will sacrifice a sacrifice upon the mount, and will call to his brethren to eat bread, and they will eat bread, and they will pass the night in the mount 55 And Laban will rise up in the morning and will kiss his sons and his daughters, and will bless them: and Laban will go and turn back to his place.