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And strike ye every fortified city and every chosen city, and every good tree ye shall cause it to fall, and all the fountains of water ye shall shut up, and every good part ye shall mar with stones.

And they will tear down the cities, and on all the good portion of Moab they will cast a man his stone, and they filled it; and they will shut up all the fountains of water, and they will cause every good tree to fall: till he left its stones in the city of potsherds, and the slingers will encompass and strike it.

And he will sacrifice and burn incense in the heights, and upon the hills, and under every green tree.

And they will set to them statues and images upon every high hill, and under every green tree.

Ye shall not hear to Hezekiah: for thus said the king of Assur, Make me a gift, and come forth to me, and eat ye a man his vine and a man his fig tree, and drink ye a man water of his well,