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Therefore Sheol has enlarged its throat, and it has opened wide its mouth without limit, and her nobles will go down, and her multitude, her tumult and those who revel in her.

"Ask for a sign for yourself from Yahweh God; make [it] deep [as] Sheol or make [it] high as above."

Sheol below is getting excited over you, to meet {you when you come}; it arouses [the] dead spirits for you, all of [the] leaders of [the] earth. It raises all of [the] kings of [the] nations from their thrones.

Your pride is brought down [to] Sheol, [and] the sound of your harps; maggots are spread out beneath you like a bed, and your covering is worms.

Because you have said, "We have {made} a covenant with death, and we have made an agreement with Sheol. [The] overwhelming flood, when it passes through, will not come to us, for we have made lies our refuge, and we have hidden ourselves in falsehood."

And your covenant with death will be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand; you will become a trampling place for the overwhelming flood when it passes through.

I was the one who said, "I must go in the quiet of my days; I am summoned through the gates of Sheol [for] the rest of my years."

For Sheol cannot praise you; death [cannot] praise you. Those who go down [to the] pit cannot hope for your faithfulness.

And you climbed down to the king with oil, and you made your perfumes numerous, and you sent your envoys {far away}, and you {sent down deep} to Sheol.