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indeed no man ever sews a piece of new cloth on an old garment: because the new piece that is patch'd on, draws the old, and rends it still worse.

and as soon as he was got aboard, the wind ceased; which still encreas'd their astonishment and admiration:

Jesus therefore stood still, and ordered him to be called; so they called to the blind man, and said, take courage, rise, he calls you.

then he return'd and found them still sleeping, for their eyes were heavy, and they did not know how to give an answer.

but he denied it again. a little time after, they that stood by, still urg'd Peter, saying, you are certainly one of his disciples, for your speech shows you to be a Galilean.

Pilate still urg'd them again, and said, what then would you have me do with him, that you stile king of the Jews?