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Make yourself free, like the roe from the hand of the archer, and the bird from him who puts a net for her.

Like an archer wounding all who go by, is a foolish man overcome by drink.

So Jeremiah came into the hole of the prison, under the arches, and was there for a long time.

Against her the bow of the archer is bent, and he puts on his coat of metal: have no mercy on her young men, give all her army up to the curse.

That you made for yourself an arched room in every open place.

For you have made your arched room at the top of every street, and your high place in every open place; though you were not like a loose woman in getting together your payment.

I will give you into their hands, and your arched room will be overturned and your high places broken down; they will take your clothing off you and take away your fair jewels: and when they have done, you will be uncovered and shamed.