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And crying out, he said, Father Abraham, have compassion on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented with this flame.

And when forty years were completed, there appeared to him in the desert of mount Sinai the angel of the Lord, in a flame of fire in a bush.

And concerning the angels indeed he thus speaks: "Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministering servants a flame of fire."

And to the angel of the church which is at Thyatira write, These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes as a flame of fire, and his feet like the molten brass;

And there went out another horse flame-coloured; and to him who sat thereon there was power given to take peace from the earth, and that men should kill each other; and there was given to him a great sword.

And his eyes were as a flame of fire, and upon his head were many diadems; and he hath a name inscribed which no man knoweth but himself.