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Jesus answered and said to them, Pull down this temple, and in three days I will rear it up again.

Verse ConceptsRiddlesProphecies Said By JesusDestruction Of The TempleRebuilding The TempleThe First Templerebuilding

Then said the Jews, This temple has been forty-six years in building, and canst thou rear it up in three days?

Verse ConceptsDullnessMisunderstood Truth40 To 50 Yearsconstruction

and his feet resembled molten brass, as though they glowed in the furnace; and his voice was as the roar of many waters.

Verse ConceptsBronzeBrassThings Like WaterFurnacesGod's VoiceThings Like BronzeTypes Of FeetLike WaterColorRainbowwaterfallscats

And I heard a voice from heaven, as the sound of many waters, and as the roar of loud thunder; and I heard the sound of harpers harping on their harps:

Verse ConceptsThunderThings Like WaterInstrumentalistsHarpsGod Speaks From HeavenLike WaterwaterfallsThunder Showing God's Presence