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but the wheat and the spelt, were not smitten, - for they were, not ripe.
Her hand, to the tent-pin, put she forth, and, her right hand, to the toilers' mallet, - Then smote she Sisera, She shattered his head, Yea she split open and pierced through his temples:
Doth he not when he hath levelled the face thereof, Cast abroad the fennel? And, the cummin, doth he not scatter? And plant wheat in rows, And barley in a lot, And spelt in the border thereof?
Thou, therefore, take thee wheat and barley and peas and lentils and millet and spelt, and put them in one vessel, and make them ready for thee as bread, - during the number of days which thou art lying on thy side. a hundred and ninety days, shalt thou eat it;
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