Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

The sky had opened to his view, and what seemed to be an enormous sail was descending, being let down to the earth by ropes at the four corners. In it were all kinds of quadrupeds, reptiles and birds, and a voice came to him which said, "Rise, Peter, kill and eat." read more.
"On no account, Lord," he replied; "for I have never yet eaten anything unholy and impure." Again a second time a voice was heard which said, "What God has purified, you must not regard as unholy."

forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth. For everything that God has created is good, and nothing is to be cast aside, if only it is received with thanksgiving. For it is made holy by the word of God and by prayer.

Now the Spirit expressly declares that in later times some will fall away from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons; through the hypocrisy of men who teach falsely and have their own consciences seared as with a hot iron; forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth.

Now the Spirit expressly declares that in later times some will fall away from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons; through the hypocrisy of men who teach falsely and have their own consciences seared as with a hot iron; forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth.

Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to get free. Are you free from the marriage bond? Do not seek for a wife. Verse ConceptsAvoid DivorceUnmarriedMarriage KjvBeing Singlespousemarraigematrimony

forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth. Verse ConceptsAsceticism, Teachings OfThankfulnessAbstinenceKnowing God's TruthThe Truth Of The GospelFood PermittedNot MarryingThanking God For FoodThose Who Had FaithUnmarriedWhat Else God CreatedThanksgiving And GratitudeEating MeatSame Sex MarriageThanksmarraigeveganismmatrimony

These are those who had not defiled themselves with women: they are as pure as virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They have been redeemed from among men, as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb. Verse ConceptsFollowing Jesus Christdiscipleship, nature ofDefilement, By SinCommitment, to Jesus ChristAsceticism, TypesMarketsCelibacyMetaphorical Firstfruits144,000UniversalismDefilementFirst fruitsSexual PurityThe Rapturerevelationredeemedvirginity

If you have died with Christ and have escaped from the world's rudimentary notions, why, as though your life still belonged to the world, do you submit to such precepts as "Do not handle this;" "Do not taste that;" "Do not touch that other thing" -- referring to things which are all intended to be used up and perish--in obedience to mere human injunctions and teachings? read more.
These rules have indeed an appearance of wisdom where self-imposed worship exists, and an affectation of humility and an ascetic severity. But not one of them is of any value in combating the indulgence of our lower natures.

Now the Spirit expressly declares that in later times some will fall away from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons; through the hypocrisy of men who teach falsely and have their own consciences seared as with a hot iron; forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth. read more.
For everything that God has created is good, and nothing is to be cast aside, if only it is received with thanksgiving.

forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth. For everything that God has created is good, and nothing is to be cast aside, if only it is received with thanksgiving. For it is made holy by the word of God and by prayer.

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As one who lives in union with the Lord Jesus, I know and am certain that in its own nature no food is 'impure'; but if people regard any food as impure, to them it is. Verse ConceptsConsciences, In Decision Makingdoubt, results ofAssurance in the life of faithPurity, Nature OfRitualConsideration Of OthersLegalismCleaningThinking ArightClean ObjectsUnclean ThingsConfidence And Self Esteem

Now the Spirit expressly declares that in later times some will fall away from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons; through the hypocrisy of men who teach falsely and have their own consciences seared as with a hot iron; forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth. read more.
For everything that God has created is good, and nothing is to be cast aside, if only it is received with thanksgiving. For it is made holy by the word of God and by prayer.

He who regards the day as sacred, so regards it for the Master's sake; and he who eats certain food eats it for the Master's sake, for he gives thanks to God; and he who refrains from eating it refrains for the Master's sake, and he also gives thanks to God. For not one of us lives to himself, and not one dies to himself.

forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth. For everything that God has created is good, and nothing is to be cast aside, if only it is received with thanksgiving.

He who regards the day as sacred, so regards it for the Master's sake; and he who eats certain food eats it for the Master's sake, for he gives thanks to God; and he who refrains from eating it refrains for the Master's sake, and he also gives thanks to God. For not one of us lives to himself, and not one dies to himself.

forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth. For everything that God has created is good, and nothing is to be cast aside, if only it is received with thanksgiving.

forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth. Verse ConceptsAsceticism, Teachings OfThankfulnessAbstinenceKnowing God's TruthThe Truth Of The GospelFood PermittedNot MarryingThanking God For FoodThose Who Had FaithUnmarriedWhat Else God CreatedThanksgiving And GratitudeEating MeatSame Sex MarriageThanksmarraigeveganismmatrimony

in order that all may come under judgement who have refused to believe the truth and have taken pleasure in unrighteousness. And from us thanks are always due to God on your behalf--brethren whom the Lord loves--because God from the beginning has chosen you for salvation through the Spirit's sanctifying influence and your belief in the truth.