Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Character » Of the wicked » Perverse
Character of the wicked » Perverse
Crookedness » Crookedness, general references to
Duplicity » Crookedness, general references to
Evil » Social in the church » Generation
With many other words he continued to bear testimony, and kept entreating them, saying, "Save yourselves from this perverse generation."
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"O faithless and perverse generation," said Jesus, "how long shall I be with you and bear with you? Bring your son to me."
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"Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits worse than itself; and they enter in and dwell there. And the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it be with this wicked generation."
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But when John saw that many of the Pharisees and Sadducees were coming for baptism, he said: "O brood of vipers! Who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
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In reply Jesus told them. "An evil and faithless generation seeks a sign, and no sign will be given them except the sign of the prophet Jonah.
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Names » Of the wicked » Evil generation
Titles and names of the wicked » Perverse and crooked generation
that you may become blameless and innocent, the sons of God, without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine like stars in a dark world,
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In reply Jesus said: "O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I endure you? Bring him here to me!"
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