Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, do you, who are spiritual, restore him with all gentleness, taking heed lest you yourselves be overcome by temptation. bear with one another's infirmities, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

Let brotherly love still reign. be not unmindful of hospitality: for thereby some have unknowingly entertained angels. remember those that are in chains, as if you were confin'd with them; and those who suffer adversity, as being your selves of the same body.

such as have been recommended by their good actions, by the education of their children, by their hospitality, by their officiousness to the faithful, by relieving the afflicted, and by the practice of every virtue.

such as have been recommended by their good actions, by the education of their children, by their hospitality, by their officiousness to the faithful, by relieving the afflicted, and by the practice of every virtue.

such as have been recommended by their good actions, by the education of their children, by their hospitality, by their officiousness to the faithful, by relieving the afflicted, and by the practice of every virtue.

Let brotherly love still reign. be not unmindful of hospitality: for thereby some have unknowingly entertained angels.

such as have been recommended by their good actions, by the education of their children, by their hospitality, by their officiousness to the faithful, by relieving the afflicted, and by the practice of every virtue.