Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
God » Divine preparation for the needs of believers » Gives in superabundance
and were filled: and they carried away twelve baskets full of fragments that were left.
Verse Concepts
give and you shall receive: they shall pour into your lap good measure, well pressed, heap'd up, and running over. for in the measure you deal with others, you shall be dealt with yourselves.
Verse Concepts
Harvest » Promises of plentiful
Israel/jews » What israel shall know
Joy » Of saints, is » For temporal blessings
Knowledge » What israel shall know
Praise » Who shall praise the lord
divine Providence » Divine preparation for the needs of believers » Gives in superabundance
and were filled: and they carried away twelve baskets full of fragments that were left.
Verse Concepts
give and you shall receive: they shall pour into your lap good measure, well pressed, heap'd up, and running over. for in the measure you deal with others, you shall be dealt with yourselves.
Verse Concepts
Shame » Who shall not be ashamed
for if you openly confess, that Jesus is the Lord, and sincerely believe, that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. for the scripture saith, "whosoever believeth on him, shall not be ashamed."