Thematic Bible: Of judgments
Thematic Bible
Blood » Figurative » Of judgments
Moreover, I will judge thee as a breaker of wedlock and a murderer, and recompense thee thine own blood in wrath and jealousy.
Verse Concepts
for they shed out the blood of saints, and prophets, and therefore hast thou given them blood to drink: for they are worthy."
Verse Concepts
Swords » Figurative » Of judgments
"Arise, O thou sword, upon my shepherd, and upon the prince of my people, sayeth the LORD of Hosts: Smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered abroad, and so will I turn mine hand to the little ones.
Verse Concepts
If I whet the lightning of my sword, and mine hand take in hand to do justice, I will show vengeance on mine enemies and will reward them that hate me.
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Arise, LORD, disappoint him, and cast him down; deliver my soul with thy sword from the ungodly -
Verse Concepts
Therefore shall the sword begin in their cities, the store that they have laid up shall be destroyed and eaten up: and that because of their own imaginations.
Verse Concepts
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