Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

in burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure: Verse ConceptsNot Pleasing GodSacrifice

for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. if any of the unbelievers invite you to an entertainment, and you are disposed to go; whatever is set before you, eat, without asking any question out of a scruple of conscience. but if any man say to you, this is offered in sacrifice to an idol, don't eat, for his sake that mentioned it, and for conscience sake.

and to love him with all the heart, with all the understanding, with all the soul, with all its faculties, and to love one's neighbour as one's self is more acceptable than all the offerings and sacrifices in the world. Verse Conceptsethics, incentives towardsOfferingsReligionSacrifice, In OtTrue ReligionAcceptance, Of One AnotherLove Towards God, Nature OfLove To Others, Evidence OfBrotherly LoveReceptive HeartsLove Your Neighbour!NeighboursRight SacrificesThe Need To Love GodLoving YourselfSelf WorthLove And StrengthSelf EsteemStrength And Love