Thematic Bible: The prudent

Thematic Bible

The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge. The ear of the wise one searches for knowledge. Verse ConceptsEarsLearning From Other PeopleInsightReceptivenessShrewdnessTeachablenessValuing KnowledgeDiscernment

Every prudent man acts with knowledge. A fool displays his folly. Verse ConceptsFolly, Effects OfForethoughtsGoal SettingValuing Knowledge

A prudent man sees evil and takes refuge. The simple (fool) (inexperienced) keep going and suffers. Verse ConceptsDanger, PhysicalFolly, Effects OfWisdom, Human ImportanceFrugalityPrudenceForethoughtsHiding From Peopleproblemsshelterriskconsequences

A prudent man anticipates evil and hides; but the simple pass on, and are punished. Verse ConceptsBeing In DebtWisdom, Human ImportanceHiding From Peopleconsequences