Thematic Bible: The prudent
Thematic Bible
Prudence » The prudent
A fool's anger is instantly known. A prudent man conceals shame.
Verse Concepts
The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way. The folly of fools is deception.
Verse Concepts
The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge. The ear of the wise one searches for knowledge.
Verse Concepts
Every prudent man acts with knowledge. A fool displays his folly.
Verse Concepts
A prudent man sees evil and takes refuge. The simple (fool) (inexperienced) keep going and suffers.
Verse Concepts
A prudent man anticipates evil and hides; but the simple pass on, and are punished.
Verse Concepts
Real estate and riches are the inheritance of fathers. A prudent (wise) (sensible) wife is from Jehovah.
Verse Concepts
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- Deceiving Oneself
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- Discernment
- Ears
- Emotions
- Fathers
- Folly, Effects Of
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- Frugality
- Goal Setting
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- Hiding From People
- Inheritance
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- Moderation
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- Name Calling
- Parents
- Parents Love
- Property
- Proverbs
- Prudence
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- Riches
- Saving Money
- Shrewdness
- Teachableness
- Thought
- Valuing Knowledge
- Virtuous Woman
- Wisdom, Human Importance
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- Wives
- Consequences
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- Shelter
- Spouse