Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Why then was the Law given? It was imposed later on for the sake of defining sin, until the seed should come to whom God had made the promise; and its details were laid down by a mediator with the help of angels. Verse Conceptsevil, warnings againstAngels as God's servantsGuardiansLaw, Purpose OfMediationMoses, Significance OfResponsibility, To GodAngels Giving The LawGod's Promise To AbrahamAngels As MediatorsAngels Activities Among BelieversAngelic GuardianshipPromises

For if the message delivered through angels proved to be true, and every transgression and act of disobedience met with just retribution, Verse ConceptsAngels as God's servantsDisobedience, To GodThe Recompense Of The WickedAngels Giving The LawGod Has RequitedAngels As MediatorsAngels Activities Among Believers