26 Bible Verses about Christ With People On Earth

Most Relevant Verses

John 16:4

But I have spoken these things to you in order that when the time for their accomplishment comes you may remember them, and may recollect that I told you. I did not, however, tell you all this at first, because I was still with you.

Acts 1:21

"It is necessary, therefore, that of the men who have been with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us--

John 1:26

"I baptize in water only," John answered, "but in your midst stands One whom you do not know--

Mark 3:14

He appointed twelve of them, that they might be with Him, and that He might also send them to proclaim His Message,

Luke 8:1

Shortly after this He visited town after town, and village after village, proclaiming His Message and telling the Good News of the Kingdom of God. The Twelve were with Him,

Luke 22:28

You however have remained with me amid my trials;

Mark 5:18

As He was embarking, the man who had been possessed asked permission to accompany Him.

Luke 8:38

But the man from whom the demons had gone out earnestly asked permission to go with Him; but He sent him away.

Matthew 26:35

"Even if I must die with you," declared Peter, "I will never disown you." In like manner protested all the disciples.

John 11:16

"Let us go also," Thomas, the Twin, said to his fellow disciples, "that we may die with him."

Matthew 27:44

Insults of the same kind were heaped on Him even by the robbers who were being crucified with Him.

Matthew 26:69

Peter meanwhile was sitting outside in the court of the palace, when one of the maidservants came over to him and said, "You too were with Jesus the Galilaean."

Mark 14:67

and seeing Peter warming himself she looked at him and said, "You also were with Jesus, the Nazarene."

Luke 22:56

when a maidservant saw him sitting by the fire, and, looking fixedly at him, she said, "This man also was with him."

Matthew 26:71

Soon afterwards he went out and stood in the gateway, when another girl saw him, and said, addressing the people there, "This man was with Jesus the Nazarene."

John 18:26

One of the High Priest's servants, a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, said, "Did I not see you in the garden with him?"

Luke 22:59

After an interval of about an hour some one else stoutly maintained: "Certainly this fellow also was with him, for in fact he is a Galilaean."

Acts 4:13

As they looked on Peter and John so fearlessly outspoken--and also discovered that they were illiterate persons, untrained in the schools--they were surprised; and now they recognized them as having been with Jesus.

Luke 22:53

While day after day I was with you in the Temple, you did not lay hands upon me; but to you belongs this hour--and the power of darkness."

John 1:39

"Come and you shall see," He said. So they went and saw where He was staying, and they remained and spent that day with Him. It was then about ten o'clock in the morning.

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