20 Bible Verses about Resurrection, Of The Dead

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 27:52

Graves opened up and the bodies of many dead saints [i.e., God's holy people] were raised up [from the dead].

John 5:28-29

"Do not be surprised at this: The time is coming when all those who are in their graves will hear His voice and they will come out [i.e., in the general resurrection on the last day]. Those who had done what was good will be raised [from the dead] to [never ending] life; and those who had done what was evil will be raised [from the dead] to judgment [i.e., to be condemned].

Revelation 20:12-13

And I saw dead people, the most important and the least significant ones, standing in front of the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life [Note: This refers to a record of those to whom God has granted never ending life]. And these dead people [i.e., who have now been resurrected] were judged according to their deeds, based on what was recorded in the books. The ocean gave up the dead [bodies] that were in it; and death and the unseen place of departed spirits [also] gave up the dead [bodies and spirits] that were in them. And every person was judged according to his deeds.

Acts 17:31

For He has appointed a [certain] day when He will judge the people of the world according to [a standard of] true justice by the man [i.e., Jesus] whom He has appointed [as Judge, See II Tim. 4:8]. [And] He has given assurance to all people [that He will do this] by raising Jesus from the dead."

1 Corinthians 15:52

in a split second, as quickly as the twinkle of an eye, when the last trumpet blows. For the trumpet will blow and dead people [i.e., believers] will be raised up, never to decay again, and [the living] will be changed [i.e., physically and spiritually].

1 Thessalonians 4:16

For the Lord Himself [i.e., Jesus] will come down from heaven with a commanding shout [Note: This probably refers to Jesus' voice. See John 5:25, 28], [and] with the archangel's voice [i.e., Michael. See Jude 9] and with the sound of God's trumpet; [at this] the dead in [fellowship with] Christ will rise [from the dead] first.

Acts 24:15

I have a hope in God that there will be a resurrection both for those who have done right and those who have done wrong, just as the Jews themselves also expect.

Matthew 25:31-32

"But when the Son of man comes [back] in [all] His splendor, accompanied by all the angels, then He will sit on His throne of splendor. And people from all the nations will be assembled in front of Him and He will separate them from one another, like a shepherd separating his sheep from the goats.

1 Corinthians 15:12

Now if it is preached that Christ was raised from the dead, how can some people among you say that people will not be raised from the dead?

Matthew 22:23

Some Sadducees [Note: These were the Jewish party that denied there was a resurrection] came to Jesus that day and asked Him,

Mark 12:18

or, to the people (See Luke 20:9)] by using parables. He said, "A man planted a vineyard and built a fence around it. He dug a place for constructing a grape squeezing device, built a [lookout] tower [near it], then leased it out to tenant farmers and went to another country.

Luke 20:27

[Then] certain Sadducees came to Jesus (they are the ones who say there is no resurrection [of the dead]).

Acts 23:8

For the Sadducees believe there is no resurrection, angels or spirits, but the Pharisees accept all of them [to be true].

2 Timothy 2:18

who have strayed from the truth [by] saying that the resurrection [from the dead] has already happened and are undermining the faith of some people.

Acts 17:18

Also certain Epicurean and Stoic philosophers approached him for discussion. Some asked, "What will this know-it-all have to say?" Others said, "He seems to be advocating [a belief in] some different gods." [They said this] because he was proclaiming Jesus and the resurrection [of the dead].

Acts 26:8

So, why should you [Jews] consider it incredible for God to raise the dead?

Matthew 22:29-32

But Jesus answered them, "You are mistaken [in your reasoning], not knowing [what] the Scriptures [teach] or [how much] power God has. For in the resurrected state men do not get married, nor are women given away in marriage, but [all] are like angels in heaven. But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what God spoke to you, saying, [Ex. 3:6]read more.
I am Abraham's God, and Isaac's God and Jacob's God.' [So], He is not God to those who are [physically] dead, but [He is] God to those who are [still] alive."

Mark 12:24-27

Jesus said to them, "Is not this the reason that you are [so] mistaken, that you do not know [what] the Scriptures [teach] or [how much] power God has? For when people rise from the dead, men do not get married, and women are not given away in marriage, but [all] are like angels in heaven. But concerning those who are raised from the dead, have you never read in the book of Moses, in the incident about the bush, how God spoke to him, saying [Ex. 3:6], 'I am Abraham's God, and Isaac's God, and Jacob's God?'read more.
[So], He is not God to those who are dead, but [He is] God to those who are alive. You are seriously mistaken."

Luke 20:34-38

And Jesus said to them, "The people of this age [i.e., who live on earth] marry and are given away in marriage, but those who are considered worthy of gaining that age [i.e., the future, never ending state] and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given away in marriage. For they cannot die anymore either, because they are equal to the angels and are children of God, as well as children of the resurrection [i.e., people who are assured of being resurrected].read more.
But even Moses showed that dead people would be raised in the incident about the bush [Ex. 3:6], where he called the Lord, 'Abraham's God, and Isaac's God, and Jacob's God.' So, He is not God to those who are dead, but [He is] God to those who are alive, for to God, all people are alive."

1 Corinthians 15:35-44

But someone will ask, "How are dead people raised up?" and "What kind of a body will they have?" You foolish person. The seed you plant does not come to life [i.e., grow] unless it dies. And what you yourself sow is not the plant that will [eventually] come up, but simply a seed. It may be a grain of wheat or something else.read more.
But God gives it the [kind of] body He wants [it to have], so each seed gets its own plant. All flesh is not the same [Note: The word "flesh" here refers to the material composition of matter, and in no way suggests anything sinful, as it does in many other places in Paul's writings]. But mankind has one [kind of] flesh; animals have another kind; birds have another; and fish [still] another. Also, there are heavenly bodies [i.e., stars and planets] and earthly bodies [i.e., men and animals]. But the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one [kind], and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another [kind]. The sun has one [kind] of splendor, and the moon has another [kind], and the stars [still] another. For [even] one star's splendor is different from another's. It is the same way with the resurrection of dead people. [A person's body] is buried [only] to decay; it is raised up never to decay again. It is buried in dishonor; it is raised up in splendor. It is buried in weakness; it is raised up in power. It is buried as a physical body; it is raised up as a spiritual body. If there is [such a thing as] a physical body, [then] there is also a spiritual body.

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