10 Bible Verses about Saving Grace
Most Relevant Verses
For, by his favour, have ye been saved, through means of faith, and this hath come to pass - not from you, of God, the free-gift!
Knowing, however, that a man is not declared righteous by works of law, nor at all save through faith in Christ Jesus; even we, on Christ Jesus, believed, that we might be declared righteous - by faith in Christ, and not by works of law; because, by works of law, shall no flesh be declared righteous. Now, if in seeking to be declared righteous in Christ we, ourselves also, were found sinners, - is Christ, therefore, a minister, of sin? Far be it! For, if, the things that I pulled down, these, again, I build, a transgressor, I prove, myself, to be.read more.
For, I, through means of law, unto law, died, that, unto God, I might live: - With Christ, have I been crucified; and, living no longer, am, I, but, living in me, is, Christ, - while, so far as I now do live in flesh, by faith, I live - The faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself up in my behalf.

For the favour of God, bringing salvation for all men, hath shone forth, Putting us under discipline - in order that, - denying ourselves of ungodliness and worldly covetings, in a soberminded and righteous and godly manner, we should live, in the present age, Prepared to welcome the happy hope and forthshining of the glory of the great God and our Saviour Christ Jesus, -read more.
Who gave himself up in our behalf, that he might redeem us from all manner of lawlessness, and purify for himself a people as his own treasure - zealous of noble works.
But, through the favour of the Lord Jesus, we believe we shall be saved, in like manner as, even they.
Being declared righteous freely by his favour through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: -
But, not as the fault, so, alsothe decree of favour, for, if, by the fault of the one, the many died, much more, the favour of God and the free-gift in favour, by the one man Jesus Christ, unto the many superabounded;
If, however, by favour, no longer of works; else, favour, no longer proveth to be favour!
Although we were dead by our offences, gave us life together with the Christ, - by favour, ye have been saved, -
In order that, having been declared righteous by his favour, we should be made inheritors, according to hope, of life age-abiding.