21 Bible Verses about traitors
Most Relevant Verses
traitors, reckless, beclouded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God,
Alas! thou plunderer when, thou, hadst not been plundered, And thou traitor when they had not betrayed thee: When thou hast ceased plundering, thou shalt be plundered, When thou hast left off betraying, they shall betray thee.
Oh that I had in the wilderness, a wayfarers lodge, That I might leave my people, and go from them, - For they all, are Adulterers, An assemblage of traitors;
So hath, a grievous vision, been told me: - the deceiver, is deceiving. And the spoiler, is spoiling, Go up, O Elam Besiege O Media, All the sighing she hath caused, have I made to cease.
A ransom for the righteous, is the lawless, and, instead of upright men, the traitor.
Nevertheless, lo! the hand of him who is delivering me up, is with me upon the table.
Thou, therefore, O Yahweh, God of hosts, God of Israel, Awake, to visit all the nations, Do not show favour to any iniquitous traitors. Selah.
Then said one of his servants, None, my lord O king, - but, Elisha, the prophet, who is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words which thou speakest in thy bed-chamber.
The eyes of Yahweh, watch over knowledge, therefore hath he overturned the words of the treacherous.
From the uttermost part of the earth, melodies, have we heard - Beauty, to the righteous one! But I had said - Ruin to me! Ruin to me! Woe to me! Traitors, have betrayed, Yea traitorously, have traitors betrayed!
and looked, and lo! the king, standing by the pillar, as the custom was, and the captains and the trumpeters, by the king, and, all the people of the land, rejoicing, and blowing with trumpets, - so Athaliah rent her garments, and cried out - Conspiracy! conspiracy!
and, as they were eating, he said - Verily, I say unto you, One from among you, will deliver me up.
And, he, answering, said - He who hath dipped with me his hand in the bowl, the same, will deliver me up.
And, he who was delivering him up, gave them a sign, saying - Whomsoever I shall kiss, he, it is, - secure him.
A deliverer of souls, is a faithful witness, but, he that uttereth falsehoods, is a fraud.
And Judas, who was delivering him up, answering, said - Can it be, I, Rabbi? He saith unto him - Thou, hast said.
And David said unto him, Thy blood, be upon thine own head, - for, thine own mouth, hath testified against thee, saying, I myself, put to death the Anointed of Yahweh.
And the house of Joseph sent to spy out Bethel, - now, the name of the city, formerly, was, Luz.
In that day, shall one take up against you a by-word, and lament a lamentable lamentation, saying - we are made, utterly desolate, the portion of my people, he passeth to others, - How doth he set me aside! To an apostate, our fields, doth he apportion.
I have seen traitors, and felt loathing, Because, thy word, they kept not.
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