'Ensnared' in the Bible
You must burn up the carved images of their gods. Don’t covet the silver and gold on the images and take it for yourself, or else you will be ensnared by it, for it is abhorrent to the Lord your God.
be careful not to be ensnared by their ways after they have been destroyed before you. Do not inquire about their gods, asking, ‘How did these nations worship their gods? I’ll also do the same.’
Even so, he kept on committing the sins that Nebat's son Jeroboam had done, which ensnared Israel in sin he never abandoned them.
That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.
The nations have sunk down into the pit they made, their feet are ensnared in the trap they set.
The LORD has made himself known, executing judgment. The wicked are ensnared by what their hands have made. Interlude
Though the ropes of the wicked have ensnared me, I have not forgotten your instruction.
you have been trapped by the words of your lips—ensnared by the words of your mouth.
An evil man is ensnared by the transgression of his lips,But the righteous will escape from trouble.
By transgression an evil man is ensnared,But the righteous sings and rejoices.
I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and traps, whose hands are chains. Whoever pleases God shall escape from her; but the sinner will be ensnared by her.
Moreover, man does not know his time: like fish caught in a treacherous net and birds trapped in a snare, so the sons of men are ensnared at an evil time when it suddenly falls on them.
Many will stumble over the stone and the rock, and will fall and be seriously injured, and will be ensnared and captured."
So the Lord's word to them will sound like meaningless gibberish, senseless babbling, a syllable here, a syllable there. As a result, they will fall on their backsides when they try to walk, and be injured, ensnared, and captured.
“Therefore, this is what the Lord God says: I am against your magic bands that you ensnare people with like birds, and I will tear them from your arms. I will free the people you have ensnared like birds.