4 occurrences
'Firm' in the Bible
“Your words have helped the one who was stumbling to stand,And you have strengthened feeble knees.
“You have taken a firm hold on me and have shriveled me up,It has become a witness [against me];And my leanness [and infirmity] rises up [as evidence] against me,It testifies to my face [about my guilt].
“The folds of his flesh are joined together,Firm on him and immobile [when he moves].
“His heart is as hard as a stone,Indeed, as solid as a lower millstone.
Related Words
Bible Theasaurus
Close (267 instances)
Crisp (1 instance)
Established (281 instances)
Fast (166 instances)
Firm (151 instances)
Firmly (91 instances)
Fixed (318 instances)
Hard (378 instances)
House (2166 instances)
Immobile (1 instance)
Indissoluble (1 instance)
Inseparable (1 instance)
Loyal (296 instances)
Solid (36 instances)
Steadfastly (29 instances)
Steady (20 instances)
Stiff (24 instances)
Strong (864 instances)
Unfaltering (1 instance)
Unshakable (2 instances)
Unwavering (5 instances)
Unwaveringly (1 instance)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form
Usage: 53