'Took' in the Bible
And the Pharisees going out straightway with the Herodians took counsel against him, how they might destroy him.
And his disciples having heard it, came and took up his body, and laid it in a tomb.
And they took up of fragments the fillings of twelve hand-baskets, and of the fishes.
And they ate and were satisfied. And they took up of fragments that remained seven baskets.
When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many hand-baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say to him, Twelve.
And when the seven for the four thousand, the filling of how many baskets of fragments took ye up? And they said, Seven.
But they took him, and beat him, and sent him away empty.
And they took him and killed him, and cast him forth out of the vineyard.
There were seven brethren; and the first took a wife, and dying did not leave seed;
and the second took her and died, and neither did he leave seed; and the third likewise.
And the seven took her and did not leave seed. Last of all the woman also died.
But a certain one of those who stood by, having drawn his sword, struck the bondman of the high priest, and took off his ear.
And when they had mocked him, they took the purple off him, and put his own clothes on him; and they lead him out that they may crucify him.
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