'Generations' in the Bible
Therefore all the generations from Abraham to David [are] fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon [are] fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ [are] fourteen generations.
because he has looked upon the humble state of his female slave, for behold, from now on all generations will consider me blessed,
who in generations that are past permitted all the nations to go their [own] ways.
For Moses has those who proclaim him in every city from ancient generations, [because he] is read aloud in the synagogues on every Sabbath."
(which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit):
to him [be] the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.
the mystery [which] has been hidden from the ages and from the generations, but has now been revealed to his saints,