140 occurrences

'Nation' in the Bible

And also the nation that they serve I will judge. Then afterward they shall go out with great possessions.

Verse ConceptsLeaving Egyptpossessions

And I will make you {exceedingly} fruitful. I will make you a nation, and kings shall go out from you.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalMaking KingsfruitfulnessReproduction, After Kind

And [as for] Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I will bless him and I will make him fruitful, and I will multiply him {exceedingly}. He shall father twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation.

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Family And DescendantsThe Number TwelveAbraham, Testing And VictoryAnswered PrayerProsperity PromisedGod Multipling PeopleTwelve BeingsBlessed By GodGod Paid Attention To MeSons Being A Blessingfruitfulness

And I will also make the son of the slave woman into a nation, for he is your offspring."

Get up, take up the boy and take him with your hand, for I will make him a great nation."

Verse ConceptsTaking By The Hand

And God said to him, "I [am] El-Shaddai. Be fruitful and multiply. A nation and an assemblage of nations shall be from you, and kings shall go out from your loins.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalBlessings, To AbrahamBodyGod, Power OfProcreationI Am Godfruitfulness

Then he said, "I [am] the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you a great nation there.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamI Am GodDo Not Fear For God Will Help

And there was hail, and fire [was] flashing back and forth in the midst of the very severe hail, the like of which was not in all the land of Egypt since it had become a nation.

Verse ConceptsFireStormsUnique Things

And now leave me [alone] so that {my anger may blaze} against them, and let me destroy them, and I will make you into a great nation."

Verse ConceptsGod Will Be AngryIsrael Hardened

And now if I have found favor in your eyes, make known [to] me, please, your way, and so I may know you so that I can find favor in your eyes. And see that this nation is your people."

Verse ConceptsKnowing God's WaysNationalism

so that the land will not vomit you out when you make it unclean [just] as it vomited out the nation that [was] {before you}.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Moral And SpiritualRetributionDefilementSame Sex Marriage

And you shall not follow the statutes of the nation that I am driving out {from before you}, because they did all these things, and I detested them.

Verse ConceptsCustomAbhorConformityExamples, Badevil, warnings againstMannersPollutionsEvil AssociationsNot Imitating EvilGod Hating People

I will strike them with disease, and I will dispossess them; I will make you into a greater and stronger nation than them."

Verse ConceptsPestilenceGod Might Kill His People

And it happened, in the morning Balak took Balaam and took him up to Bamoth-Baal, and he saw from there the end of the nation.

Verse ConceptsBalaams DonkeyBaal Worship, HistorySeeing People

And {you must observe them diligently}, for that [is] your wisdom and your insight before the eyes of the people, who will hear all [of] these rules, and they will say, 'Surely this great nation [is] a wise and discerning people.'

Verse ConceptsNationalismUnderstandingWisdom, Human NatureDealing With The NationsGod's Word Gives WisdomKeep The Commandments!Discernmentwise

For what great nation [has] for it a god near to it as Yahweh our God, whenever we call [upon] him?

Verse ConceptsAnswered PromisesClosenessUnique Israel

And what [other] great nation has for it just rules and regulations just like {this whole} law that I [am] setting {before} you {today}?

Verse ConceptsBodyGod, Righteousness OfMind, Of GodUnique IsraelExcellent LawGod's Word Is RighteousDecision Makinglawstatues

Or has a god [ever] attempted to go to take for himself a nation from the midst of a nation, [using] trials and signs and wonders and war, with an outstretched arm and with great and awesome deeds, like all that Yahweh your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes?

Verse ConceptsMiracles, Nature OfStrength, DivineArm Of God

Leave me alone, and let me destroy them, and let me blot out their name from under heaven, and let me make you into a nation mightier and more numerous than they!'

Verse ConceptsOblivionGod Might Kill His People

And {you shall declare} and you shall say {before} your God, 'My ancestor [was] a wandering Aramean, and he went down to Egypt, and there he dwelt as an alien {few in number}, and there he became a great nation, mighty and numerous.

Verse ConceptsNationalismNomadsWanderersPeople MultiplyingFew Peoplesyriawandering

Yahweh will bring you and your king whom you set up over you to a nation that you or your ancestors have not known, and there you will serve other gods [of] wood and stone.

Verse ConceptsStonesWoodNot Knowing PeopleDifferent GodsWood And Stone

Yahweh will raise [up] against you a nation from far [off], from the end of the earth, [attacking] as the eagle swoops [down], {a nation whose language you will not understand},

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, DistancesWingsEaglesNot Understanding LanguageUnknown LanguagesPeople From Far AwayLanguage

{a grim-faced nation} {who does not show respect} to [the] old and [the] young [and] does not show pity.

Verse ConceptsOld Age, Attitudes ToDisrespect For Old AgeExpressions On FacesRespectThe ElderlyRespecting Your Bodypity

They annoyed me with [what is] not a god; they provoked me with their idols. So I will make them jealous with [those] not a people, with a foolish nation I will provoke them.

Verse ConceptsGod, Zeal OfVanityFoolish PeopleWhat Is Not GodMaking Israel Jealous

And the priests carrying the ark of the covenant of Yahweh stood firmly on the dry land in the middle of the Jordan while all Israel crossed on dry ground, until all the nation finished crossing the Jordan.

Verse ConceptsDry LandIn The JordanPriests In Action

After all the nation finished crossing the Jordan, Yahweh said to Joshua,

Verse ConceptsCrossing Into The Promised Land

For forty years the {Israelites} traveled in the wilderness until all the nation, the warriors that left Egypt, perished, because they did not listen to the voice of Yahweh. To them Yahweh swore that they would not see the land that he swore to their ancestors to give to us, a land flowing with milk and honey.

Verse ConceptsFoodProperty, LandThe Number FortyDisobedience, To GodExclusionThe Promised Land40 To 50 YearsDeath As PunishmentMilk And Honeyconsequencesmovementwandering

And it happened, when all the nation had finished circumcising, they remained where they were in the camp until they recovered.

Verse ConceptsHope And Healing

And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until [the] nation took vengeance [on] its enemies. Is it not written in the scroll of Jashar? The sun stood still in the middle of the heaven and was not in haste to set for about a full day.

Verse ConceptsBooksBooks, Not PreservedSkyOne DayHistorical BooksSunSunshineThe Moonmovement

Who [is] like your people, like Israel? [Israel is] the one nation on earth whose God {led them}, [in order] to redeem a people for himself, and to make a name for himself, and to do for you the great and awesome things for your land in the presence of your people whom he redeemed for himself from Egypt, [from the] nations and their gods.

Verse ConceptsGod, As RedeemerMiracles, Nature OfNationalismUnique Israel

{As Yahweh your God lives}, surely there is not a nation or a kingdom to which my lord has not sent me to seek you. [If] they would say, 'He is not here,' then he would make the kingdom or the nation swear that it could not find you.

Verse ConceptsNowhere To Be FoundThose Looking For People

Yet every nation was making their gods, and they put them in the shrine of the high places that the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities in which they [were] living.

Verse ConceptsSacrificing On The High Placesgroups

And they stripped him and took his head and his weapons, and they sent [them] throughout the land of the Philistines to bring news to their idols and the nation.

Verse ConceptsGood News

when they wandered from nation to nation, and from one kingdom to another people,

Verse ConceptsWanderers

And who [is] like your people Israel, [the] one nation upon earth whom God went to redeem for himself, to establish for you a reputation for great and awesome things, to drive out nations from before your people whom you redeemed from Egypt?

Verse ConceptsGod, As RedeemerMiracles, Nature OfNationalismgreatness

And you made your people Israel an everlasting nation for yourself. And you, O Yahweh, became their God.

Verse ConceptsGod, The LordUnity, Of God's People

And the people who [were] in it he brought out, and {he set them to work with saws and iron implements and axes}. Thus David did to all the cities of the {Ammonites}. Then David returned, and all the nation [went] with him.

Verse ConceptsAxesIronToolsHorrors Of War

So David said to Joab and to the commanders of the nation, "Go, count Israel from Beersheba to Dan and bring a report to me that I might know their number."

Verse ConceptsCounting Soldiers

Nation was crushed by nation, and city [was] against city, for God threw them into confusion by all [sorts of] trouble.

Verse ConceptsCivil StrifeTwo Hundred And Some

So now, do not let Hezekiah deceive you. Do not let him urge you according to this. Do not put trust in him, for no god of any nation and kingdom has been able to save his people from my hand and from the hand of my ancestors. Surely then your God will not save you from my hand!'"

Verse ConceptsAbilityTo DeliverUnbelief, As Response To GodInfidelity To God

but he remains quiet, and who can condemn? And he hides [his] face, and who can behold him? Yet [he is] over a nation and over a person alike,

Verse ConceptsFace Of GodGod, Revelation OfSilenceGod HidingGod Being SilentWork Ethic

Judge me, O God, and plead my case against an unfaithful nation. From a man of deceit and wickedness rescue me,

Verse Conceptsenemies, of believersInjustice, Hated By GodRescueGod Vindicatesvindication

They say, "Come, let us annihilate them from [being] a nation, so that the name of Israel will be remembered no more."

Verse Conceptsenemies, of Israel and JudahForgetting PeopleNames Blotted OutAttempting To KillJews Under ThreatIdentityIdentity In Christremembrance

that may see the good [done] your chosen ones, to be glad in the joy of your nation, to glory together with your inheritance.

Verse ConceptsParticipation, In ChristRejoicing In SuccessThe Righteous Prosper

He has not done so for any nation, and they do not know [his] ordinances. Praise Yah.

Verse ConceptsUnique IsraelPraise The Lord!

Ah, sinful nation, a people heavy [with] iniquity, offspring of evildoers, children who deal corruptly. They have forsaken Yahweh; they have despised the holy one of Israel. They are estranged [and gone] backward.

Verse ConceptsCorruption, Of HumanityAbandonmentForsaking God, Illustrated ByImpenitence, Warnings AgainstNationalismRejection Of GodEvildoersGod's People Sinningcorruption

He shall judge between the nations and he shall arbitrate for many peoples. They shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. A nation shall not lift up a sword against a nation, and they shall not learn war again.

Verse ConceptsGod, As JudgePruningPloughingSecuritySpearsToolsWarfare, Nature OfWeaponsNationsPeace, Effects OfDisarmamentMessianic PropheciesGod Makes PeaceMillennial Kingdom, Universal Peace And Blessing

And he will raise a signal for a nation from afar, and he will whistle for it from the end of the earth. And look! It comes quickly, swiftly!

Verse ConceptsBanner, Figurative UseSpeedFlagsWhistlingFar From HerePeople From Far Away

You have made the nation numerous; you have not made the joy great. They rejoice in your presence as [with] joy at the harvest, as they rejoice when they divide plunder.

Verse ConceptsHarvestJoy, And Human ExperienceGod Multipling PeopleYou Will Rejoice In SalvationDividing The SpoilJoyjoyfulness

I send him against a godless nation, and I command him against the people of my wrath, to capture spoil and to carry off plunder, and to make them a trampling place, like [the] clay of [the] streets.

Verse ConceptsPlunderingGodlessnessNationalismTrampling People

And what will one answer [the] messengers of [the] nation? That Yahweh has founded Zion, and the needy of his people will take refuge in it.

Verse ConceptsenvoyAnswering People

that sends messengers by the sea and in vessels of papyrus on [the] surface of [the] waters! Go, swift messengers, to a {tall} and {smooth} nation, to a people feared {near and far}, a {mighty, mighty} and trampling nation, whose land rivers divide.

Verse ConceptsBabylonenvoyPapyrusDivision Of WatersTall PeopleSea TravelBoatsWaters DividingFearing Other People

At that time, a gift will be brought to Yahweh of hosts [from] a {tall} and {smooth} people, and from a people feared near and far, a mighty, mighty and trampling nation, whose land [the] rivers divide, to the place of the name of Yahweh of hosts, the mountain of Zion.

Verse ConceptsGiftsGiving To GodDivision Of WatersTall PeopleWaters DividingFearing Other PeopleAmerica

Open [the] gates {so that} [the] righteous nation who keeps faithfulness may enter!

Verse ConceptsAdmission Into God's PresenceThe Act Of OpeningOpening GatesA Righteous People

You have added to the nation, Yahweh. You have added to the nation; you are honored. You have extended all [the] ends of [the] land.

Verse ConceptsBoundariesEnlargementGod Multipling People

Thus says Yahweh, the redeemer of Israel, his holy one, to the one who despises life, to the one who abhors [the] nation, to [the] slave of rulers: "Kings shall see and stand up; princes, and they shall bow down, for the sake of Yahweh, who [is] faithful, the holy one of Israel, and he has chosen you."

Verse ConceptsRedemption, In OtProphecies Concerning ChristBowing Before MessiahMessianic Prophecies

"Listen attentively to me, my people, and my nation, listen to me! For a teaching will go out from me, and I will cause my justice to rest for a light to [the] peoples.

Verse ConceptsenlightenmentLight, SpiritualMorality, And RedemptionLawgiversGod Is LightPay Attention To God!The Law Given By God

Look! You shall call a nation [that] you do not know, and a nation [that] does not know you shall run to you, because of Yahweh your God, and the holy one of Israel, for he has glorified you."

Verse ConceptsGlory, Revelation OfMission, Of IsraelThe Gentiles ConversionGod's Glory In IsraelNot Knowing PeopleSource Of Honour

Yet they seek me day [by] day, and they desire the knowledge of my ways like a nation that {practiced} righteousness, and had not forsaken the judgment of its God; they ask me for {righteous judgments}, they desire the closeness of God.

Verse ConceptseagernessAskingNominal ReligionHypocrites, Description OfNot Coming Near To GodMaking Decisions

For the nation and the kingdom that will not serve you shall perish, and the nations shall be utterly devastated.

Verse ConceptsServing PeopleAnnihilation

The small [one] shall become tribe, and the smallest one a mighty nation. I [am] Yahweh; I will hasten it in its time."

Verse ConceptsMinoritiesRight Time For GodOther Unimportant PeopleFamiliesGod's TimingGods TimingWaiting For God's Timinggroups

"I let myself be sought by [those who] did not ask; I let myself be found by [those who] did not seek me. I said, 'Here I am; here I am!' to a nation [that] did not call on my name;

Verse ConceptsFindingelection, to salvationCalling upon GodKnowing God, Nature OfQuestionsRevelation, In OtNot Seeking GodBehold Me!Not PrayingSelf EsteemBeing YourselfChanging Yourselfseekingmyself

Who has heard [anything] like this? Who has seen [anything] like these [things]? Can a land be born in one day? Or can a nation be born in a moment? [Yet] when she was in labor, Zion indeed gave birth [to] her children.

Verse ConceptsDevelopmentUnique Eventsrebirth

Has a nation exchanged gods? And they [are] not gods! But my people have exchanged their glory for that which does not profit.

Verse ConceptsNegotiationPolytheismExchanging Good For BadGod Bestowing GloryNo Help In Other Gods

Because of these [things] shall I not punish?" {declares} Yahweh, "and on a nation who [is] like this, shall I not take revenge?

Verse ConceptsGod Executes Vengeance

Look, I [am] about to bring on you a nation from afar, house of Israel," {declares} Yahweh. "It [is] an enduring nation, it [is] {an ancient nation}. A nation whose language you do not know, and you cannot understand what they speak.

Verse ConceptsLanguagesNot Understanding LanguageUnknown LanguagesPeople From Far AwayNations Attacking Israel

Because of these [things] shall I not punish?" {declares} Yahweh, "and on a nation who [is] like this, shall I not take revenge?

Verse ConceptsGod Executes Vengeance

Thus says Yahweh: "Look, a people [is] coming from [the] land of [the] north, a great nation is woken up from [the] farthest part of [the] earth.

Verse ConceptsOut Of The NorthPeople From Far Awayawakeningarmy

"And you shall say to them, 'This [is] the nation that has not obeyed the voice of Yahweh their God, and they have not accepted discipline. The truth has perished, and it is cut off from their mouths.

Verse ConceptsAdmonition, RecievingSelf WillThose Against TruthAgainst The Truth

Because of these [things] shall I not punish them?" {declares} Yahweh, "On a nation that [is] like this shall I not take revenge?

Verse ConceptsGod Executes Vengeance

But if they do not listen, then {I will completely uproot and destroy that nation}." {declares} Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsListeningDisobedience, To GodPlucking OutRefusing To Hear

Are there [any] among the idols of the nation [who] cause rain to pour? Or can the heavens give showers? [Is] it not you, Yahweh our God? Therefore, we hope in you, for you do all these [things].

Verse ConceptsFaith, Origins Ofdrought, physicalHope, In GodRainSkyWaiting On GodGod Sending RainGod Controlling The Rain

One moment I speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom, to uproot, and to tear down, and to destroy [it].

Verse ConceptsPlucking Out

But [if] that nation turns back from its evil that I have threatened against it, then I will relent concerning the disaster that I planned to do to it.

Verse ConceptsGod, Repentance OfGod Changing His MindGod Turned Back From Harming Them

And the [next] moment I speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom, to build, and to plant [it].

{And then} when [the] seventy years [are] fulfilled, I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation,' {declares} Yahweh, 'for their iniquity, and [the] land of [the] Chaldeans, and I will make it {an everlasting waste}.

Verse ConceptsBabylon, Prophecies Of70 To 80 Years

Thus says Yahweh of hosts, "Look, disaster [is] going out from nation to nation, and a great tempest is stirred up from the farthest parts of [the] earth.

Verse ConceptsStormsWhirlwindsPeople Possibly Doing EvilThe Storms Of Life

"But it will be [that] the nation or kingdom that will not serve him, Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and that will not put his neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, I will punish that nation with the sword, and with the famine, and with the plague," {declares} Yahweh, "until I have destroyed it with my hand.

Verse ConceptsPlaguesYokesFamine Coming From God

But the nation that will bring its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon and will serve him, yet will I leave it on its land," {declares} Yahweh, "and they will till it, and they will live in it." '"

Verse ConceptsPloughmenServing Kings

Why should you die--you and your people--by the sword, by the famine, and by the plague, as Yahweh has spoken concerning the nation that will not serve the king of Babylon?

Verse ConceptsPestilenceGod KillingFamine KillingGod Kills

"If these rules would cease from {before me}," {declares} Yahweh, "also the offspring of Israel would cease from being a nation {before me} {forever}."

Verse ConceptsOrderly Patternsisrael

"Have you not seen how these people speak, {saying}, 'The two clans whom Yahweh chose, he has also rejected them'? Thus they spurn my people from being a nation {before them} [any] longer.

Verse ConceptsTwo Groups

The glory of Moab is no longer. In Heshbon they planned evil against her. Come and let us cut her off from [being] a nation. Also, Madmen, you will be silent. After you will go [the] sword.

Verse ConceptsendSilenceLosing Honour

Rise up, go up against a nation [which is] at ease, living {securely}," {declares} Yahweh. "[There are] no gates and [there are] no bars for them, they dwell alone.

Verse ConceptsFortificationsNationalismA Solitary PeopleThose At Ease

And I will bring to Elam four winds, from the four corners of heaven, and I will scatter them to all these winds, and there will not be a nation where the scattered people of Elam will not go.

Verse ConceptsScattering The PeoplesFour WindsExiled Foreigners

For a nation will come up against her from [the] north. It will make her land as a horror, and an inhabitant will not be in her. From humans to animals they [all] will wander [off]. They will go [away].

Verse ConceptsEmpty CitiesOut Of The NorthBoth Men And Animals Affected

Look, a people [is] about to come from [the] north, and a great nation and many kings are woken up from [the] remotest part of [the] earth.

Verse ConceptsOut Of The North

Still our eyes failed, [looking for] our help in vain; in our watchtower, we kept watch for a nation that could not save.

Verse ConceptsFutilityFalse ConfidenceDisappointmentsMan Keeping WatchTowersEyes HarmedUseless LabourNo HelpThings Which Cannot Save

Therefore humans you will not eat [any] longer, and your nation you will not make childless [any] longer," {declares} the Lord Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsBereavementNot Destroyed

"And I will not let you hear [any] longer the insult of the nations, and [the] disgrace of [the] peoples you will not bear [any] longer; you [yourself] will not cause your nation to stumble," {declares} the Lord Yahweh.'"

Verse ConceptsDo Not HinderInsulting Other PeopleFunhomecoming

And I will make them into one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel, and {they will all have one king as their king}, and they will not again be two nations and will not again divide into two kingdoms again.

Verse ConceptsUnified PeopleTwo GroupsOnly One Person

And my tabernacle will be with them, and I will be for them as God, and they will be to me as a nation.

Verse ConceptsGod Living With UsI Will Be Their God

And {in the day of those kings}, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will {never} be destroyed, and the kingdom will not be left for another nation, and it will bring an end to all these kingdoms, but it will stand {forever}.

Verse ConceptsendempiresKingdom Of God, Coming OfMillenniumMessianic PropheciesNeverChrist Reigning ForeverPeople Destroying Foreign NationsThe Kingdom Of OthersThrone Of DavidEnd Of Dayslimitationscrushes

Bible Theasaurus

Commonwealth (2 instances)
Country (613 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 7

Usage: 54

Usage: 16

call , bid , be so named , named ,
Usage: 106

Usage: 10

Usage: 17

Usage: 8

never , nay , neither , no , none , nor , not , nothing , rather than , whither , nothing worth
Usage: 727

Usage: 3

'ummah (Aramaic) 
Usage: 8

Usage: 2504

Usage: 27

Usage: 270

Usage: 13

גּי גּוי 
Usage: 558

Usage: 16

T@phar (Aramaic) 
Usage: 2

distressed , be straitened , be in straits , vexed , be narrow
Usage: 8

Usage: 24

לאום לאם 
Usage: 35

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 22

מכרה מכוּרה 
Usage: 3

מסמרה מסמרה מסמר מסמר 
Usage: 4

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 22

Usage: 22

Usage: 20

נהלל נהלל 
Usage: 3

Usage: 6

נזר נזיר 
Usage: 16

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 18

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

נחרי נחרי 
Usage: 2

Usage: 9

Usage: 10

Usage: 5

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 5

Usage: 21

Usage: 16

Usage: 4

Usage: 4

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 50

Usage: 22

Usage: 42

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

ערם עירם 
Usage: 10

Usage: 1867

Usage: 15

ערם ערום 
Usage: 16

Usage: 6

Usage: 2

צר צר 
Usage: 109

Usage: 736

רעה רע 
Usage: 669

Usage: 19

Usage: 26

Usage: 865

Shum (Aramaic) 
Usage: 12

Usage: 2

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

but , yea , yet , nevertheless , howbeit , nay , therefore , save , not tr ,
Usage: 461

Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 17

Usage: 3

Usage: 17

Usage: 1

be naked
Usage: 1

Usage: 9

Usage: 2

Usage: 132

Usage: 2

Usage: 9

Usage: 10

Usage: 3

Usage: 3

Usage: 1

Ναζαρέθ Ναζαρέτ 
Usage: 12

Usage: 4

Usage: 14

Usage: 1