'Needy' in the Bible
to guide [the] needy away from legal claims, and to rob the justice from the poor of my people, to make widows their spoil; and they plunder orphans.
But he shall judge [the] poor with righteousness, and he shall decide for [the] needy of [the] earth with rectitude. And he shall strike [the] earth with the rod of his mouth, and he shall kill [the] wicked person with the breath of his lips.
And [the] firstborn of [the] poor will graze, and [the] needy will lie down in security; but I will cause your root to die in famine, and it will kill your remnant.
And what will one answer [the] messengers of [the] nation? That Yahweh has founded Zion, and the needy of his people will take refuge in it.
For you have been a refuge to the poor, a refuge to the needy in his distress, a shelter from [the] rainstorm, a shade from [the] heat. For [the] breath of [the] ruthless [was] like a rainstorm against a wall,
[The] foot tramples it, [the] feet of [the] poor, [the] steps of [the] needy."
And [the] meek {have joy after joy} in Yahweh, and [the] needy of [the] people shall rejoice in the holy one of Israel.
And a scoundrel, his weapons [are] evil; he plans evil devices to ruin [the] poor with words of deception even when the speech of [the] needy [is] right.
The poor and the needy [are] seeking water and [there is] none; their tongue is dried up with thirst. I, Yahweh, will answer them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.