'Spiritual' in the Bible
Of these we speak--not in language which man's wisdom teaches us, but in that which the Spirit teaches--adapting, as we do, spiritual words to spiritual truths.
But the spiritual man judges of everything, although he is himself judged by no one.
And as for myself, brethren, I found it impossible to speak to you as spiritual men. It had to be as to worldlings--mere babes in Christ.
For even if you were to have ten thousand spiritual instructors--for all that you could not have several fathers. It is I who in Christ Jesus became your father through the Good News.
If it is we who sowed the spiritual grain in you, is it a great thing that we should reap a temporal harvest from you?
and all drank the same spiritual drink; for they long drank the water that flowed from the spiritual rock that went with them--and that rock was the Christ.
It is important, brethren, that you should have clear knowledge on the subject of spiritual gifts.
Be eager in your pursuit of this Love, and be earnestly ambitious for spiritual gifts, but let it be chiefly so in order that you may prophesy.
Therefore, seeing that you are ambitious for spiritual gifts, seek to excel in them so as to benefit the Church.
If any one deems himself to be a Prophet or a man with spiritual gifts, let him recognize as the Lord's command all that I am now writing to you.
an animal body is sown, a spiritual body is raised. As surely as there is an animal body, so there is also a spiritual body.
Nevertheless, it is not what is spiritual that came first, but what is animal; what is spiritual came afterwards.
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